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Search results

  1. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale Gray GT/CS at Mecum Florida Auction

    T181 got to $57,500 and didn't meet the reserve. The Bid Goes On ... Might get sold later on. Today's auction is being broadcast tonight from 10pm-2am EST. I set my DVR to see if they show this lot tonight.
  2. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Help a sister out please, car fire

    Hopefully it's not too much longer now. Take pics, would love to see some of the progress.
  3. BroadwayBlue

    ADMIN Forums just underwent a minor software upgrade. Photo uploads now working again.

    Happy to assist financially or if you need help administratively I'm available for that too! As always Jon, thanks for keeping the site up and running, it's appreciated by all of us! I noticed that a lot of postings were marked as read that I hadn't seen. I also haven't been on the site since...
  4. BroadwayBlue

    Wish this was my barn...

    It's heated in the Summer! :rolleyes::cool:
  5. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Looks like I'm going to be a owner again....with my old GTCS!

    Welcome back Jason! Always loved the color combo on your car. Kick myself from time to time for not being able to jump at the opportunity when you were selling way back. Would love that color combo someday for sure! Glad to see your back as a CS owner. Not a raffle but the original owner of...
  6. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Finally getting my HCS on the road again! - Startup procedure

    That's great to hear you're bringing the car back to like! :thumb: Good luck and enjoy the process with your kids! Looking forward to seeing the log of your progress.
  7. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale 1966 High Country Special Fastback in Aspen Gold

    This site references 20 fastbacks as well. http://highcountrymustang.com/ Bob, I believe this site is run by 1966HCS (Stefan). See this thread: http://californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6366 The 20 reference is specifically on this page...
  8. BroadwayBlue

    1968 New family project

    Great project for you and your Dad to work on. Enjoy!
  9. BroadwayBlue

    . New addition in the stall

    Great looking car!! Congratulations! :thumb:
  10. BroadwayBlue

    1968 10 spokes

    Nice! Great color combo and the wheels finish it off nice! :thumb:
  11. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Interior Paint

    thanks for the info guys!
  12. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Paint

    Wow that's nice Rob!!
  13. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Interior Paint

    Will this paint work well on the door panels? I have a few areas I was considering touching up. On a related question, I thought I saw rug paint once. I have one small spot that is discoloring. Anyone with experience with anything related to that?
  14. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale Silver GT/CS in Atlanta

    Always liked the silver with black accent color combo. Even before Eleanor.
  15. BroadwayBlue

    1968 gas in trunk?

    I see I'm not the only one with the paper towel trick. :grin: I keep a roll in the trunk just for that since often the stations dispenser's are empty. In New Jersey you can't pump your own gas either. I also standby and watch them. They insisted on pumping it at one station for insurance...
  16. BroadwayBlue

    . Happy Birthday Diesel Donna

    Happy Birthday Donna! Sorry I missed it. Hope all is well!
  17. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale Mach 1

    There are some pictures here. http://www.stermersauctionservice.com/july261014.html A few pics at the beginning of the gallery and more starting at picture 69. Pictures don't show engine though.
  18. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale 68 gt/cs

    http://www.dcmotorcars.com/index.php/vehicle?vid=5-2l1400188436 I owned this car at one time. This was the car that introduced me to this great site and the history of the CS. Has changed hands a few times since I sold it. Lost track of it after it sold at a Barrett Jackson auction awhile...
  19. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale Red/Black GT/CS

    My old one is $2000 less on the sellers site vs auto trader classics. Will post it in the classified section. UPDATE: Auto Trader Classics ad is updated to $24,900 now as well
  20. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale Red/Black GT/CS

    Thanks, that's her. Surprised at the asking price but can't tell much from the pics. It says it was repainted, unfortunately they didn't fix the script mounting error. Was Acapulco blue when I had it, originally was Ivy Gold. A lot of the restoration work listed was done when I owned the...