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Search results

  1. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Carlisle

    Looks like they took an old advertisement and had a vinyl copy made up. I would think a sign/print shop would be able to do it. Not sure of the cost. Prices seem to vary online from $20-$100+ Tom got it at a great price though! :grin:
  2. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale '68 GT/CS 1:18 Scale Models

    The Highland Green GT Coupe was modeled after Don's car. I have one of those models, it's nice. I believe that is the first diecast of a 68 coupe. Fastbacks were always done in the past.
  3. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Carlisle

    Here is the sign Tom got from Carlisle. Sorry I missed it this year - sounds like it was a good turnout and he said the weather cooperated as well!
  4. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Not a good night!

    Sorry to hear about the car. I've had to use Hagerty Roadside Assistance on 2 occasions. Once on my 68 and once on my 96. Have been very satisfied with the service both times. Once I was in a very remote area. Had to wait awhile but they tracked down a tow and kept me up to date on progress via...
  5. BroadwayBlue

    Wanted Original GT/CS Grill

    +1 on Mike's reply.
  6. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Picture in magazine

    That's great! Nice car!
  7. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Removing paint from center caps?

    Side note: If you scroll down on that page a bit there is a shot of a GT/CS they are using for their advertising.
  8. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Next project

    Why do I have an urge to pack up my CS and ship it off to Neil someday? :cool: Great work Neil and we appreciate your expertise and sharing it with all of us.
  9. BroadwayBlue

    . Ford 50th Dealer Giveaways

    My understanding is the dealer had to order an "Anniversary Package". My dealer said they had ordered it but hadn't received it yet. They had expected it by 4/17. On another note, I noticed the poster from the Las Vegas and Charlotte celebrations also had 1968 represented by a GT/CS. Nice to...
  10. BroadwayBlue

    . New GT/CS Registry

    Mike, The effort you make to have the Registry be accurate is appreciated! Thank you!
  11. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Removing paint from center caps?

    I'm pretty sure you need to use this brand nail polish though. :cool: https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedia/fna/us/en/news/2014/03/04/ford-mustang-s-50th-anniversary-inspires-limited-edition-opi-nai.html...
  12. BroadwayBlue

    Money Making Ideas

    I think Coverking makes them. http://www.coverking.com/ http://www.coverking.com/graphic-car-covers Mustang Depot carries some might be the same brand. http://www.mustangdepot.com/OLC3/Accessories/covers.htm Not sure if they will do older models though so would think there is a potential...
  13. BroadwayBlue

    . Happy Birthday gt/csj4

    Happy Belated Birthday!
  14. BroadwayBlue

    . Happy Birthday deadStang

    Happy Belated Birthday!
  15. BroadwayBlue

    . Happy Birthday sportyworty

    Hope it was a good one.
  16. BroadwayBlue

    . Happy Birthday CougarCJ

    Happy Birthday! :cool:
  17. BroadwayBlue

    . Happy Birthday hcsstang

    Happy Birthday Tom! Have a great day! :cool:
  18. BroadwayBlue

    . Happy Birthday rvrtrash

    Happy Belated!
  19. BroadwayBlue

    . Ford 50th Dealer Giveaways

    68 on the poster Sorry couldn't upload them in one post from an iPad.
  20. BroadwayBlue

    . Ford 50th Dealer Giveaways

    Poster through the years