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Search results

  1. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends." - Japanese Proverb
  2. Mustanger

    Patience: The key to finding the right GT/CS or HCS

    Hang in there! It took a while for some of us to get the car that we ended up buying ... remember to not only focus on "bagging your prize", but to also "enjoy the hunt" ... :thumb:
  3. Mustanger

    CS on display

    ... if you enter it for the calendar, I'll vote for it ... :thumb:
  4. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    “What you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing; it also depends on what kind of a person you are” - C.S. Lewis
  5. Mustanger

    Friday Joke

    Southern University Psychology ... At a southern university, students in the psychology program were attending their first class on emotional extremes. "Just to establish some parameters," said the professor to the student from Arkansas, "what is the opposite of joy?" "Sadness," said the...
  6. Mustanger

    385hp 302GT40 Engine For Sale

    The GT40 heads listed above are GT40P heads, which are good high performance Ford factory, cast iron heads ... these were based on the earlier '93 Cobra GT40 cast iron heads, and they could be found in Ford Explorers and Mercury Mountaineers. Some people claimed that they were the best factory...
  7. Mustanger

    Mustang Seats: Legroom/Headroom issues ...

    Wait, there's more ... ... and here's another link that does similar solutions: http://www.geocities.com/troop851cali/project_legroom_top.html
  8. Mustanger

    Mustang Seats: Legroom/Headroom issues ...

    On another thread ( http://www.californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?p=51915#post51915 ) The issue of seats and legroom/headroom was initially discussed ... I did a little research and here's what I found: http://www.mustangsplus.com/tech/seat/index.html...
  9. Mustanger

    AC Cobra Update

    Steve, Since you're 6'5", do you have any problems fitting into your GT/CS? I also have a tall friend who had trouble getting into my car, and I'm wondering if my front seats need modifying to either a) lower their mounting brackets/system, or b) remove some of the thick seat padding ...
  10. Mustanger

    At least I have my Cali

    Donna, I am sorry to hear that your mom passed away. It's tough to see loved ones go, and it's never easy. My last grandparent passed away recently too, but I'm sure it's really hard when it's your parent. I'll be praying for you ... Tony, Hang in there!! I've been there before, without...
  11. Mustanger

    Happy Birthday Kathy!!...

    ... By now, you should all know what Sheriff John says ("Put another candle on your birthday cake ...") :wink: ...
  12. Mustanger

    Radiator mounting

    Bill, If you still need lower brackets and pads, then check out NPD's prices ... they are cheaper on these brackets than many other Mustang Parts places ... (I've been researching this radiator stuff for my car also)
  13. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "By perseverance the snail reached the ark." - Charles Spurgeon
  14. Mustanger

    Update on the 40th anniversary Caps

    Ron, I'm sure you'll have a good supply of these items available at the Galpin 40th Anniversary Event, right? I'm looking forward to seeing all the attendees and picking up some goodies :thumb: ...
  15. Mustanger

    VMF is down ...

    Looks like VMF is down ... http://forums.vintage-mustang.com/ ... or is it an April Fool's joke??? ... :icon_mist
  16. Mustanger

    April Fool's Day ...

    You better watch out ... you could get fooled :wink: ... Check these out: http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/aprilfool
  17. Mustanger

    Bumper Guards ...

    Bumper guards - did they come on all GT/CSs, or were they optional? How about front or rear useage? How about the rear GT valance? As Linda Richman would say, "Discuss..." :smile:
  18. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    “You try, You fail, You try, You fail, But the real failure is when you stop trying!” - Walt Disney
  19. Mustanger

    metal rear panel for 68 cs

    I'm glad to hear that Steve called you back ... if you were still having trouble, I was going to offer you that I could contact him, either call him (I have a couple of different numbers for him), or see him (I see him regularly at the Pomona Car Swap Meet) ... Steve is a very knowledgable guy...
  20. Mustanger

    Craig's List today~GT/CS

    Wow, Tim, you can hold your own car show/parade anytime you want :wink: ...