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AC Cobra Update


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
I know for most of you, this is not your cup of tea. However, this is our third AC Cobra Replica build and I think it is pretty cool. I just wanted to provide an update on my new project.

First, the the frame has been handbuilt from scratch using original AC Cobra as a template. It is complete and awaiting black powder coating.

The body is almost done. In other words, they have popped the body out of the mold, have set the body on the frame, centered, and then started to work on installing the steel inside the body. Steel is used for support to match the body and frame together. It is hand made as well as each piece is custom fit and welded into place. My car will be one of the first (if not the first) to have a side impact bar which links both sides of the car across the back (behind the roll bars).

We have purcashed a 2003 Ford Explorer IRS. Axles have been cut to lenght and resplined. The frame is made to except this rear end. They used to use Super T-Bird IRS but the axles would not take the high torque.

We also have the toploader 4 spead transmission. It just needs a Hurst Pro Shifter and it will be ready to go.

We are actively looking for either a running 390 or a 390 to build. One way or another, an FE is going in this car.

We hope to have the body and frame home soon. From there, we need to make the frame into a roller with suspension components, steering rack, coil over shocks, etc. As well, we will get started on the body work as we know this will take some time.

I have posted a couple of pictures. Hope they turn out okay.



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Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
Great project Paul. Looks like it's coming along nicely. I've been considering a Cobra project for some time. There are only a few with S-T-R-E-T-C-H bodies for a guy like me (6'5"). Keep the pictures coming. I may be calling you for advice on a future build


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
I always wanted to do one of these. I just know I dont have the tools or mad skills to pull it off. Guess I will just have to resort to buying one already done lol. And that means I doubt it will ever happen $$$$$


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
Great project Paul. Looks like it's coming along nicely. I've been considering a Cobra project for some time. There are only a few with S-T-R-E-T-C-H bodies for a guy like me (6'5"). Keep the pictures coming. I may be calling you for advice on a future build


Since you're 6'5", do you have any problems fitting into your GT/CS? I also have a tall friend who had trouble getting into my car, and I'm wondering if my front seats need modifying to either a) lower their mounting brackets/system, or b) remove some of the thick seat padding ...


Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
I can fit in my CS, but it's a real trick. I've thought about buying some extension tracks to allow the seat to go back further. I don't know if you could actually lower the seat since it sits low already. I guess you could take out the seat riser but that would really be a mess and I don't want to tear out sheet metal. Let me know if you come up with any ideas.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
I always wanted to do one of these. I just know I dont have the tools or mad skills to pull it off. Guess I will just have to resort to buying one already done lol. And that means I doubt it will ever happen $$$$$

It is a lot of fun to build one and be able to place your hands on each and every part that goes into it. Plus, picking out body colors, engine sizes, transmission, wheels, tires, etc., can be very fun. As well, it makes it "your car".

For this car, we will do everything except the paint. And, we will probably have a 390 built from a guy here local.
