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Search results

  1. H

    1968 Aaca

    Does anyone recognize these guys??
  2. H

    1968 Aaca

    Boy was it hot and stickey at New Bern. It was a great show. To be able to qualify for the show you must have the senior award and I was lucky. Congratulation to Danny.
  3. H

    2007+ horse power

    Wish me luck. I'm heading for the AACA Grand National.
  4. H

    2007+ horse power

  5. H

    2007+ horse power

    My son came home with a 07 Shelby about six months ago. Since than he has added a few modification and he put it on a dyno. He called to tell me that he has 787 to the rear wheels. I will not drive it.
  6. H

    1968 book

    Who gets the blue ribbon for the signatures in Coreys book? I know it's not me .
  7. H

    1968 Aaca

    You are right about the AACA It covers all makes and models of cars trucks the best thing to say is any thing that has a motor that came from a factory. . Check out the website. Every state has a club listing.
  8. H

    1968 Aaca

    The AACA Grand National is being held at New Bern North Carolina May 15th. Any body going? If you are look me up.
  9. H

    1968 Input to my 1968 Calif Special GT/CS. Please advise!!

    After you locate the history on the car the problem might come up why sell it. You will enjoy the car. Welcome to the sight.
  10. H

    1968 Has anyone ever spotted a 1968 GT/CS for sale at Carlisle?

    Last year two were in the car corall. one was sold for 30. If you want some information about the Carlisle show get in touch with broadwayblue. For the last two year he has been the leader in setting up a GTCS display. I haven,t missed the show for the last ten years with my car.
  11. H

    AACA is having the Grand National at New Burn N. C. on the week end of the 14th of May. MCA is...

    AACA is having the Grand National at New Burn N. C. on the week end of the 14th of May. MCA is having a show at Va. Beach the 14 th of Aug. Hope to run across you at one of the shown HCSSTANG
  12. H

    . Question about long term storage

    For five years I have put my car in a plastic bag and zip it shut. When you purchase the bag you get omnidry to absorbe the moisture. But after five years it's starting to show some ware. One thing about it when you take it out it's clean. WWW.carbag.com After you use it you heat the omnidry to...
  13. H

    . Mca judged shows and rules?

    If you belong to MCA you can get the judging rules for each year.
  14. H

    ADMIN 2010 Calendars now on sale!

    The last time that I talked to Jon he has quite a few calenders left. We can't leave Jon stick with them so lets get out and try to sell some.
  15. H

    Hi Casey. my son came home with a 07 Shelby 500. It has a heavy duty suspension and he changed...

    Hi Casey. my son came home with a 07 Shelby 500. It has a heavy duty suspension and he changed the blower. Right now he has 727 HP to the rear wheels. I will not drive it. Last year at the AACA show they had a car auction and they had 17 Hertz shelbys. I think that they only sold one . They...
  16. H

    1968 Hood Lights

    I don't know if I'm right or not but I was told by a MCA judge that the GTCS"s and HCS 's didn't have then on. So I tooh mine off.
  17. H

    1968 fire wall color

    I used Krylon 1613.
  18. H

    1968 Thinking of buying my first Ford 1968 GT/CS

    I paid 5 for my hcs ten years. If you get the car, Good Luck. Any questions just ask. You will never regret it.
  19. H

    1968 Appraiser

    Some times at the AACA shows you run across them.
  20. H

    . Modest Dream Garage

    I agree with Marty radiant heat is the way to go. I put up a block building 28-36. Concrete floor and that is hard on the limbs after a couole of hours. I have a wall in the center with a wood shop on one side and the cars on the other side.