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. Mca judged shows and rules?


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2003
ok i have only been to one mca show, park city 08, and i would like to get an understanding of the rules so i know what to expect.

question: do they judge 60's shelby's and mustangs, with dealer added ford performance parts, that were done in the 60's and early 70's, as any other modified mustang.
do they consider ford performance parts, that you could get at the dealer, and that were ford authoried parts. as any other aftermarket modification?

do they, or should they, judge that type of mustang or shelby in a class seperate from aftermarket modifications?


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2003
also, i remember that you can't have a display sign. can you offer documentation on discrepancies, or cars that have rare options???


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2006
Similar to the post I left over on the SAAC site ;)

If the parts were available at the time the car was built from Ford and carried a Ford, Autolite, Shelby (if we're talking 68) or Rotunda part number you can enter the car in concours and make the case for them being dealer installed options but bring your documentation to support your presentation.

If these instead are parts that were made five or twenty five years after the car was built then yes they are treated just like any other aftermarket part. MCA does not consider (for example) that fuel injection added to a 68 from Ford is any different than one made from Holley. Both were not factory.

As for having a class just for classic Mustangs with Ford hot rod parts I believe there was one. Ford sponsored the awards and once the support was removed the class was eliminated since it had little participation. IMHO most hot rodders did not want to limit their choices to just Ford stuff and many saw the class for what it was - an attempt to make more money for Ford.

Hope this answers your questions

As always if you have suggestions and thoughts related to MCA judging I invite you (if a member) to write the MCA Head Judge and express them


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Jeff is right on for concours classes. You could be in occasional driven class or a modified class depending what you have done to the car. The best thing if you are not a member is join and go to the MCA web site at www.mustang.org and read the show, class and specific year rules. You can go and look as a guest and if you wish join on line. There is a wealth of information there if you only want to know more about your car! Hope to see you at the show in Bellevue WA. Marty