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After pulling my engine out. I started cleaning of the old paint and black under coating on my fire wall. I found red paint. I would like to know is the fire wall the same color as the body.
The entire car was painted red oxide primer before the engine bay and body color was was painted. You probably cleaned through the black paint exposing red oxide.
As mentioned the firewall below the pinch weld is typically painted chassis black. On original cars you can sometimes find thin paint or almost nothing in shadows from the pinch weld on the outer corners. The "undercoating" you found is more likely the sealer that Ford applied over the black around every screw, electrical connection and hole that is in the fire wall (except the ground wire attachment point) to seal water out of the interior compartment. Ford always had allot of complaints about water leaks
Me too. But now EPA has made them change their formula, and it is too glossy.Right now the best to use is the SEM paint. And as an alternate (believe it or not) WALMART brand ColorPlace RustControl Satin. It's dead on!