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Search results

  1. 1968 High Country Special
  2. Tom Elledge proud owner of a 1968 High Country Special
  3. Tom & Bob at Carlisle
  4. 1968 High Country Special
  5. 1968 High Country Special
  6. 1968 High Country Special
  7. 1968 High Country Special
  8. 1968 High Country Special
  9. 1968 High Country Special

    1968 High Country Special

  10. H

    2007+ dyno

    2007 GT/CS american racing headers,high flow cats,steeda underdrives,steeda cold air,custom sct tune at keith's Pit Stop.310HP 322 torque 90 degree weather.Car baselined at 273HP.
  11. H

    2007+ dyno

    Went over to my sons house and he told me to check out his dyno. He had a 07 GTCS anchored down. He did a few modifications and hoped to get 300 hp to the rear wheels.
  12. H

    1968 Thermactor Air Manifold ????

    That's one thing that they got me is the bolts holding the battery. I have repos on and they said that they are to long. Another time they said that the muffler clamps were to long and they are NOS ones.
  13. H

    1968 vacuum advance

    Thanks Danny that is all that I need
  14. H

    1968 vacuum advance

    Thanks for the reply. I would like to talk to the owner of a j code owner and see how they have it set up.
  15. H

    On your 302 Do you have the attachment under your air cleaner snout for yhe vacuum advance hose ?

    On your 302 Do you have the attachment under your air cleaner snout for yhe vacuum advance hose ?
  16. H

    1968 vacuum advance

    I have the shop manual. But I was wondering why the previous owner would replace the air cleaner when all that was necessary was to just remove the hose.
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    1968 vacuum advance

    scheduled for built 07/02/68 actually built 06/20/68 released 07/02/68
  18. H

    1968 vacuum advance

    Did any of the 302 come without the thermal vaccum switch. I was wondering why the previous owner would switch the air cleaner when you could just remove the hose.
  19. H

    1968 vacuum advance

    On a 302 four barrel auto. and no air. All that I have is a plug in the thermosate housing. By the book it should have distributor control valve or something like a christmas tree. it should have the right colored hoeses. One should connect one of under the snout of the air clearner. I don't...