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Search results

  1. H

    Carlisle Car Show

    I heard that Shelby owner had his car stolen and he was checking car shows for the car. He found it and called the police and they arrested the man. I don't know if he stole it or purchased it but any way he's in trouble.
  2. H

    Carlisle Car Show

    It rained all day on Friday. and I ran across Tony Branda and I mentioned about the tail light harness and he said that he has a place that makes up the wiring harnesses. Maybe that can help somebody. He said just to give him a buzz. Sat was clouded and the sun came out after lunch. I was away...
  3. H

    I am so old now that...

    I can remember when the movies were 16 cents and the good western movies , Rocky Lane ,Roy Rodgers, Lone Ranger and last Gabby Hayes. One Sun we attend a few Antique malls and I get a kick out of my wife saying that she had one of the toys when she was little . Those days are long gone. Just...
  4. H

    Carlisle Car Show

    :o Carlisle is featuring BOSS'S this year and they expect to have around 300 of them. Last year the spectators could park on the fair grounds . Not this year every thing and spot is sold out. The trailer parking is only 10 wide with about 4 inces on either side of the tires. A person can't even...
  5. H

    Ford to save the Wild Mustangs

    Ford not only made a donation to save the mustangs Ford also donated three million to the visitors center in Gettysburg. The donation will be used to build classrooms at the new battlefield facility. The foundation wants 75 million before ground is broken and they are starting it this year. ::)
  6. H

    Missing console??

    I used the ice pick to punch holes in the floor board. No drilling. I couldn't locate the orginal holes due to the fact I replaced the underlayment so I punched new holes.
  7. H

    Missing console??

    If you purchase one the next thing to do is longer knobs for the radio. The long ones are rather expensive.
  8. H

    eBay and Patience

    >:(I've had one problem with ebay I ordered a pair of horns and they didn't work. He claimed that they were in good working order. ???
  9. H

    Big Bear GT/CS

    ???Another LOL. Just what is a BIG BEAR?
  10. H

    Seat Belt Delima

    ??? Every thing in the interior is red except the black seat belts. Even the rear view miror is red. I have the orginal seat belts in the car but of cource they could of been changed before I got the car.
  11. H

    Tail light frames

    Do they reproduce the screws for the tail lights? I have never found any screws like that.
  12. H

    Concours correct carb came in a few days ago for the 390 CS

    ::)I purchased a NOS 4100 carb for my hcs still in the box. After I got home I found out that it had a bent float arm plus a few other parts.
  13. H


    The correct radio for the 68 is the one with black push bottons. The 67 had chrome buttons.
  14. H

    GTCS, true or false

    I have been getting some emails about ebay and they are requisiting personal information. I don't think that they are from ebay. So I just delete them.
  15. H

    Fired up my GT/CS

    :D What about the teacher????
  16. H

    MCA show

    I'm glad that you responded with the control link cause I was ready to purchase the four. I found out that the Ford replacement were three bolts. Another thing. Did they use the round or rectangular antenna. I had to use the rectangular in order to cover the holes up.
  17. H

    MCA show

    8) The AACA has the Grand National And you can get that at one show a year. One year it's east of the Mississippi and next year it's west. So it's in Denver this year but I;ll think that I;ll pass it up this year. But next year it's in Delware. Now with MCA thats another story. Attented a car...
  18. H

    68 GT/CS Eleanor

    ::)The oil filter should be painted blue.
  19. H

    Basecoat / Clearcoat

    While at the Carlisle show I talked to McGuires man he said to enable to keep a shine over the years it should be buffed once a year by a professional.
  20. H

    MCA show

    :P I just received my report card from MCA. Boy are they pickey. I got 653 out of 700. First time showing my car with MCA. My alternator was a little dirty,wrong clamps on pwr ,fuel line incorrect for power steering,dirt at water pump and scratched. I have my hood release painted wrong. It...