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Search results

  1. H

    2008 GT/CS

    8) Hook Do you think that the hooters girles would like to go fishing or white water rafting? ??? ;) The heck with showing your car.
  2. H

    2008 California Special Member Get Together

    Just keep talking about the scenic place that you mentioned and I'm game. I'll fly and rent a car but I'll bring pictures of my HCS. I'm to old for camping but would love to see some of the National Parks.
  3. H

    Carlisle show

    >:(The wife made the mistake and cleaned the pictures out of the camera. ???
  4. H

    Carlisle show

    ;D I knew that I won two awards and when I drove by the bleachers they announced that I was a triple award winner . I only got two awards so I thought that they made a mistake Well I got the other trophy in the mail today.It was Mustang Monthly, Editor's Choice listing as best in vintage...
  5. H

    Question on hood pins or no hood pins

    While at the Carlisle I ran across a black raven 390 car . He had the Marti report. If I'm not mistaken the report stated that it was the only one that color. It didn't have the hood pins or the rest of the hardware for the pins. I wrote the vin down but lost it somewhere. Like I said before a...
  6. H

    Back Seat/Trunk Separation Material

    I was at a car show a couple of years ago and was approached by a guy that was passing out literature on this subject. I don't know if he was selling the metal parts or what. He must of been a chev man. As Paul was saying it is something to think about.
  7. H


    Since you have the paint # just go to automive paint store and they can mix the paint up and some places they have put it in spray cans.
  8. H

    Did a little cleaning in the wheelwells today

    here is what stated with MCA, Wheel wells Front Fender top side may be blacked out with sound deadener or show signs of primer and body color overspray. Splash guards black with some sound deadener. Inner fenders wheel side could show blending of body color, primer or engine compartment color...
  9. H


    ;D Pony Ranch helped me out a lot with my HCS car. Thanks to the owner , Mike. ;)
  10. H

    check this gas powered scale model CS!

    A GTCS owner had one made up and she had it at the Carlisle show.
  11. H


    In a GTSC or a HCS what are the numbers on the orginal windshield. I know that it should be a Carlite but what about the numbers. I purchased a Carlite from Glazers Mustang Barn and he said that it complyed with MCA But at the MCA show I was docked for it. ::) :-[
  12. H

    Colors of the sterring emblems

    Last year I sent Jon some pictures of some of the cars that were in the museum and that was one of them.
  13. H

    New Thought

    I don't care what color it is as long that it's a GTCS or HCS Mustang. ;D 8). One of my sons friends pulled in with a CJ, boy it was in bad shape. It was left sit out for a number of years outside. Well they pulled the motor and found the VIN on the motor. I know the kid won't spend the money to...
  14. H

    Public Infatuation with Unknown Car

    While at the Carlisle my son suggested that we get a show board for the HCS. The history of the car and what came on it.
  15. H

    Public Infatuation with Unknown Car

    $30,ooo he didn't want to sell it.
  16. H

    Colors of the sterring emblems

    While at the Hershey MuseumI was looking at a Continential convertible and if you look at the word continenial on the hood the last letter was backward they say some of them came from the factory like that. you can't reverse the letter because of the spacing. They called it the friday or monday...
  17. H

    Public Infatuation with Unknown Car

    I finally got my car out on Sat. It did nothing but rain Friday. They estinated about 2600 cars. boy what a show. Half of the spectators knew what I had and I was a little suprised about that.A lot of the BOSSs did show up because of the rain. Sat morning it was calling for showers but it held...
  18. H

    Colors of the sterring emblems

    The one that I purchased was a repo probably made over seas. The same way with the voltage regulator. Remember mine stuck open and cooked battery acid out. :-[
  19. H

    Colors of the sterring emblems

    While at Carlisle I found some the same way as mine but I was told that the correct way is Red White and blue . Well I got to change mine.
  20. H

    Colors of the sterring emblems

    While at Carlisle a guy told me about the color of the emblem on the steering wheel and he procced to tell me that the color arrangemente is red ,white and blue well mine is reveresed any truth to this. The one that he mentioned is the large one in the middle of the steering wheel.