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Search results

  1. 6t8-390gt

    Wanted 14x6 Steel Wheels

    I am interested in buying a set of original 14 x 6 steel wheels for a 68 Mustang. Prefer pick-up (VA,MD, DC) or delivery to a show, but will consider shipping for nice wheels. I'll be attending Spring Carlisle, All Ford Nationals Carlisle, MCA Grand Nationals Orlando this year. Let me know...
  2. 6t8-390gt

    1968 new interior and upholstry DONE !

    I'm no expert; but I'll pass along some advice I was given before doing my first set. 1. Buy a set of quality seat buns (foam) 2. Buy quality hog ring plyers and good hog rings (I got my hog rings from a local shop) 3. Set the vinyl out in the warm sun to warm the vinyl 4. Take your time to...
  3. 6t8-390gt

    Some historic photos from Mission Raceway ...

    Cool pics, especially of the Mustangs. Thanks for sharing! Danny
  4. 6t8-390gt

    am-fm radio

    I have never heard of any difference in console radios vs non-console. Yes the knobs are different, and the rear radio attachment brackets are different; but never heard of different "boxes". Unless your Marti report calls out the optional AM/FM Stereo; I wouldn't waste the money. The sound...
  5. 6t8-390gt


    I went into the USPS this past weekend and waited in line for almost 30 minutes. I asked for a book of stamps and didn't care what they looked like. The guy threw those on the counter and I smiled and asked for another book! My wife said she wasn't sending me to the post office again! Cool...
  6. 6t8-390gt

    1968 68 GT with drum brakes?

    In 1968 disc brakes were an option on the J-code GT's, it was a mandatory option on the 390 and 428 GT's. The early S-code 390's without the GT option received drum brakes unless the disc brake option was selected. I'm not sure about the mid-year X-codes with the GT option. As Marty said...
  7. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Gas Tank Capacity

    +1 Danny
  8. 6t8-390gt

    Wanted 68 Head Rests

    Marty, Does your phone get pics; I can sent them easy that way. Send me a PM with your phone number or e-mail to be sure. Nate, If Marty passes on them you can decide if you want them. I'm planning on going to the CVMC Club show at the Bass Pro Shop next weekend. Danny
  9. 6t8-390gt

    Wanted 68 Head Rests

    Marty, I have a black set; although one does have a split. Let me know if you are interested. I can take pictures and send you. I haven't looked at them in a while, I'll try to inspect them and give you a better description if interested. Danny
  10. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Goofy Trophy

    He has you guys hook, line and sinker! :grin:
  11. 6t8-390gt

    1968 top loader shifter broke

    Rebuild the shifter itself; not just the handle. You can get the parts from Mark at Toploader Heaven. http://www.toploaderheaven.com/shifter_parts/shifter_parts.htm If you haven't rebuilt one his CD is very helpful; most anyone should be able to complete the rebuild. Look for worn parts...
  12. 6t8-390gt

    1968 People needed in Rhode Island

    I hope the gentleman stopping by the MCA National in RI; it was a great show. If he did not I would suggest he join the New England Mustang club or the MCA...it will open many doors for contacts and friends willing to help. I also overheard that the NEMC is hosting a local show in two weeks so...
  13. 6t8-390gt

    What in the World is This?

    Yup; a vibration damper. Danny
  14. 6t8-390gt

    J-code GT Convertible

    We know there were only 36 R-code conv.; but I've never seen any numbers of 390 vs. 302. Marti doesn't break the numbers down that way and I've never paid for the special request of that stat. I would assume the majority were J-codes. Of course then we would want to know how many were of each...
  15. 6t8-390gt

    J-code GT Convertible

    Mosesatm, What was he asking for it when you looked at it? Total production for 1968 GT conv. was only 1986 so it a rare pony that is nicely optioned. Danny
  16. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Newbie With a Question - Dogdish Hubcaps

    Jon, Not to hi-jack the thread...but today is your cars birthday! Take it out for a drive! Danny
  17. 6t8-390gt

    . Carlisle

    It was another great show; although I enjoyed the 406, 427, and SOHC cars the best! I met a guy who drove from Fresno, CA to the show in his 1941 Ford powered by a SOHC motor. Many of the racers from the 60's were there signing autographs. Too many cars in the show field to see them all! Danny
  18. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Engine bay decals

    Eric, You have to remember that Mustangs were assembled in 3 differnet plants in 68. All the plants have unique features or methods to assembly. With that being said, the "stickers" you are referring to was most commonly used at Dearborn and indicated paint, trim, etc. were quality...
  19. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Trying to track down Lime Gold CS last seen in bad shape in Oly WA 10-15 years ago

    If you know the dealership where your grandfather purchased the car new; Kevin Marti could probably get the vin and other info for the car. It might cost a few dollars extra because he "hand" searches his data base. Danny
  20. 6t8-390gt

    Good Ford book from torino club

    This is a "must have" book for anyone restoring a SBF engine or car with a SBF. Like others have said I use it frequently and have learned a lot from the book. Danny