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Search results

  1. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Tracking one down...

    Since you have the original dealer name and info on the car I am confident Kevin Marti could help. He does have a research fee, however, I think it is reasonable. Danny
  2. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Galpin License Plate Frame

    I'm not sure if anyone's car slod new here or not; but here is a license plate frame which would be a cool addition to the car. http://cgi.ebay.com/CALIFORNIA-LICENSE-PLATE-FRAME-GALPIN-FORD-DEALERSHIP_W0QQitemZ370325988241QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item5639262391
  3. 6t8-390gt

    1968 4300 Carb Choke Parts

    Neil, When you get those NAPA parts will you post a picture. I too have a couple 4300's needed the same parts. The '67 version is different from the '68 choke. Danny
  4. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Correct Fender Bolts Black or Cadmium?

    NJMOP, AMK offers a couple different head markings; I would suggest you try to match the head markings as much as possible. I am confident you may find a couple different ones were used on your car. You can also order in bulk from AMK. Danny
  5. 6t8-390gt

    AACA National awards meeting

    Marty, My car was nominated by the National Awards committee for 2009; however, it was not selected. I did receive a nice certificate acknowledging the nomination. I was disappointed; but I have also only shown the car twice in AACA shows. I was humbled and proud just to be nominated. I...
  6. 6t8-390gt

    . 67 over heating problem

    Yeah, I found that tip out AFTER pulling a motor and the heads! I thought I would pass it along as it would have saved me hours of work not to mention the cost of new gaskets. I chased overheating problems for a couple weeks; as noted I checked the hoses, thermostat, timing, heater core, head...
  7. 6t8-390gt

    . 67 over heating problem

    The head gaskets should have a tab that sticks out between the head and the block; if this tab is on the front of the engine the head gasket is installed properly. You do not need to pull the head or engine to check it. Danny
  8. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Help Identify Parts...

    + 1 The P/S hose straps can be "reproduced" by getting a late model serpentine belt and cutting it to length. (Ask you local garage for an old belt that has been replaced) It won't be concours correct; but from a safety stand point it will keep the hose away from the exhaust manifold. The...
  9. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Horn pad question

    +1 The original large center trim off my car has the chrome; none of the buttons had any evidence of chrome. Danny
  10. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Paint & Bodywork Done

    I thought it looked as though it had a vinyl roof...yes the side stripes, hood stripes and roof will really set it off. Good Luck and keep posting the pictures. Danny
  11. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Progress Continues, Lime Gold GT/CS

    DEDUCTION, DEDUCTION, DEDUCTION...just kidding. I don't understand why that wasn't standard on the non-GT J-codes. I think that will look great. Danny
  12. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Paint & Bodywork Done

    Neil, The car is looking good; is the paint single stage or BASE/CLEAR? The black stripes and black interior will make it really pop, the 10 spokes look great too. I can't wait 'til TEAMLO gets his GT painted (same color). Danny
  13. 6t8-390gt

    For Sale s code 4 speed GT/CS

    I would have to agree; the car is rare, but if someone was to pay the asking price and then return it to its original configuration they would be $50k into the car. A fully restored 68.5 CJ coupe only bid to $44K recently and a CJ coupe is more rare. I hope he gets it; but I have my doubts.
  14. 6t8-390gt

    '68 R-Code Coupe on eBay

    This car is re-listed; last weeks auction ended at $44K.
  15. 6t8-390gt

    1968 More Progress on My Lime Gold GT/CS

    +1; Yellow is correct Danny
  16. 6t8-390gt

    1968 marti report on ebay

    The # error may be an error by Ford; or Marti may not have had that option number in his system. The Mustang Monthly article on Kevin Marti mentioned that Kevin had to write a program to convert Ford's codes to a more modern program. Kevin is usually pretty good about "proofing" these reports...
  17. 6t8-390gt

    1968 More Progress on My Lime Gold GT/CS

    Russ, The car looks great! I had one of the tubing companies reproduce the correct choke stove tubes for my J-code rebuild. I think I posted the info on which company did it for me. Just posting since I noticed your engine didn't have one yet. I also had the correct valve cover decal...
  18. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Flat hood GT-CS

    The sales brochure says the louvered hood is standard with the GT/CS package. It was printed in 2/68; so I don't know if it was changed later or not. Since the Marti reports for the HCS has California Special denoted on the option list I would assume the had all the same standard equipment...
  19. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Flat hood GT-CS

    Does anyone have the original Ford sales litature for the GT/CS? It may specify on that; realizing that sales litature sometimes had incorrect info. I can't remember if I have one or not; I'll go check. Danny
  20. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Black Out Blinker Hood

    Rob, I do not have a copy of the first guide; but alot has been discovered since it was first published. "Marti Reports," are a good example. If you reference some of the Shelby books authored by Rick Kopec in the early 80's you will also find published inaccuracies. We have learned alot in...