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Search results

  1. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Help brake line clips

    If you are talking about the brake line clips going down the drive shaft tunnel...stick them through the hole and pinch it closed with a pair of plyers. To get them off spread them open with a screw driver. Danny
  2. 6t8-390gt

    . 67 Fastback

  3. 6t8-390gt

    . Prepping for VA Beach

    Neil, You can move the car each evening; MCA rules just state that you can't move it doing show hours. There are a lot of people who remove their cars every night. Danny
  4. 6t8-390gt

    1968 4300 Carburetor

    It should be stamped on the base where it bolts to the intake. Without looking I can't remember which corner; but it is stamped. Danny
  5. 6t8-390gt

    . Virginia Beach

    I think you can still sign up for the Va. Beach show. If the host hotel is full there are plenty close by. I look forward to seeing everyone there. It sounds/ looks like there will be quite a few CS there!!! Danny
  6. 6t8-390gt

    . Virginia Beach

    I'll be there with the black car, might even entertain the wife driving the conv. down. Danny
  7. 6t8-390gt

    1968 dash paint

    Light Blue Poly is Ditzler #13004, you should be able to pick some up at your paint supply store or order a spray bomb from one of the many Mustang venders. After 40+ years it might be time to re-paint the whole dash. Danny
  8. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Water Pump

    C8OE-D is correct. Danny
  9. 6t8-390gt

    Engine Emission Decal

    Here is the link http://www.ecsautomotive.com/ Danny
  10. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Console Woes

    I would bet you are missing this piece. It slides into the selector and covers the majority of the bulb.
  11. 6t8-390gt

    Button Top Fuel Pump

    He has done a couple "batches" I just got this one back last week. I have a 390 GT button top I am thinking about sending to him also. I don't need it now, but I'm afraid he won't do it forever. Danny
  12. 6t8-390gt

    Button Top Fuel Pump

    Restored Button Top After: The pump was restored by Fred Ballard and is the correct 4567S pump. Danny
  13. 6t8-390gt

    Button Top Fuel Pump

    Here is the before picture of the correct Carter Button Top fuel pump for a '68 J-code motor.
  14. 6t8-390gt

    J-code snorkle

    Here is a picture of the early and late version of the J-code snorkle. The vacuum motor was discontinued during the model year production. The later version is an NOS piece I have.
  15. 6t8-390gt

    Engine Emission Decal

    This is the most accurate emission decal for the '68 J-code motor. It is available from ECS.
  16. 6t8-390gt

    Engine Tag Location

    J-code Engine Tag Picture
  17. 6t8-390gt

    Engine Tag Location

    On the bolt that holds the dipstick tube. Danny
  18. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Aaca

    What Tom convienently left out was that his HCS was awarded the Grand National Award. I took my 68 GT fastback and was also awarded a Grand National. Congratulations to you too Tom. I hope your return trip was uneventful, we made it home by 4 p.m. with a couple stops and a delayed start...
  19. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Aaca

    The AACA is a fun club to belong to and as Tom said if it has wheels and a motor and came from a factory it is welcome. I've only been to the National Shows, but when you have 500+ cars, trucks, motorcylces, etc. of all makes and models you are bound to find something you like. Their Judging...
  20. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Bagged a parts car

    Marty, Nice catch; that's what I need a solid parts car. What is the build date on the car? I might be interested in some metal if you don't need it yourself. Keep me in mind if you want to sell anything. Danny