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Search results

  1. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Black Out Blinker Hood

    Ford was definately pushing the Sunlit Gold Paint #3073-A in 1968. "Dealer promotions" was also something Ford did quite often as some are noted on this thread. Here is a link to some known '68 Mustangs http://webspace.webring.com/people/im/mustangs68/specials.html I have a Marti report...
  2. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Black Console for My Lime Gold GT/CS

    Be careful with 'Fast Freddie" he has ripped a few people off. I'm sure you will find intersting reading on other forums.
  3. 6t8-390gt

    1968 1968 390 S Code Air Cleaner

    Rob, I'm glad I could help; that's what these forums are for. Thanks for the compliment. Danny
  4. 6t8-390gt

    1968 1968 390 S Code Air Cleaner

    The 1968 S-code engine has a round vacuum port on the d/s of the engine and differs from the 289/ 302 air cleaner assembly. There is some confusion on the subject, due in part to cars with a Canadian DSO. S-code cars shipped to Cananda had the '67 air cleaner assembly with the screens in the...
  5. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Don's 390 GT For Sale

    Hey Don, Waht's up? Do you have another project we don't know about. Good Luck with the sale...the price looks almost too good to pass up...
  6. 6t8-390gt

    Mack Truck Blue

    I think Jackie Jones currently owns the car; I'll try to look for the article later this week if no one beats me to it. Try the March 1997 issue of Mustang Monthly; according to this website. http://www.hammar.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/magsrch Danny
  7. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Mustang Monthly

    Congrats Scott! The car looks great and it's a great story. I just wish I would have paid more attention to the car when I saw it last year. Danny
  8. 6t8-390gt

    . 'Little Red' Tribute 99% done!

    It looks great; now you need a show board to tell the history of Little Red and the specs on your car. Congratulation, job well done! Danny
  9. 6t8-390gt

    1968 High Country Special J-code project on E bay

    Here's the link http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-HC-J-Code-1968-Ford-Mustang-High-Country-Special-HCS-california_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem3a51e7c63eQQitemZ250482247230QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks
  10. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Head Casting Numbers

    Steve, The bumper guards were standared equipment on the Mustang at the beginning of the production year; but Ford made it optional in early '68. There is a Sales Brochure Supplement dated 12-12-67 that outlines these changes. The wheel lip mouldings and bumper guards came together; so if your...
  11. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Head Casting Numbers

    Ford had the Cleveland Foundry and the Dearborn Iron Foundry; this is why some cast parts have CF cast into them and others have DIF cast into them. I disagree that the engine assembly plant operated by Ford worked any differently than the other assembly plants run by Ford. How did they know...
  12. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Head Casting Numbers

    The factories did not just have parts laying around, it is well known the Ford used multiple sources for parts to ensure an adequate supply was always on hand. Each engine, transmission, rear end, interior was built for a particular application, to be used in/ on a particular car or truck...
  13. 6t8-390gt

    1968 vacuum advance

    The engine was built for a San Jose, J-code GT Coupe. TEAMLO is a member here and it is his car (although not a GT/CS). The carb is an Autolite 4300, a 4 spd. carb was used for some of the pictures and the correct (for this application) Autolite 4300 auto carb was used for others. Some of the...
  14. 6t8-390gt

    1968 vacuum advance

    Here is a close up of the vacuum tree.
  15. 6t8-390gt

    1968 vacuum advance

    Thanks Rob! It is the new engine for my cousin's (TEAMLO) '68 GT; over restored for his application but I can't bring myself to do it any other way. Danny
  16. 6t8-390gt

    1968 vacuum advance

    Here is a picture of the two types of snorkles used in '68; you should have the one without the vacuum motor (pictured on the right). It is a NOS unit. The air cleaner base is the same for both early and late J-code motors.
  17. 6t8-390gt

    1968 vacuum advance

    Tom, Here is a picture of an early (December '67) J-code motor. You can clearly see the vacuum lines in this picture. The blue striped hose should not be present on your car. The blue striped hose was for the vacuum motor on the air cleaner snorkle and your car should not have it. The hose...
  18. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Head Casting Numbers

    Nope, engine casting dates should be 1-3 months prior to build date. I have a J-code engine with casting dates the same as the scheduled build date (although the car was assembled two weeks later). Danny
  19. 6t8-390gt

    1968 Spare tire hold down with slotted wheels revisited again

    Scott, Is this the car that was in Carlisle in 2008? I think it was also on ebay. I wish I had paid closer attention to it when I saw it. As you said; it certainly indicates that they were either intended to be this way or some of them came this way. Finding good original examples is hard to...
  20. 6t8-390gt

    . MCS show

    Congrats Tom on receiving yet another GOLD!! It took me 59 minutes to go 4 miles on U.S. 301. There was a 1 hr. and 50 minute back-up to cross the Potomac into Maryland. I was only about 25 miles from home at that point. Danny