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Search results

  1. T

    1968 Green Hornet

    it stopped at 1mil and he said he thinks its worth 3 times that, so i assume the reserve was close to 3mil
  2. T

    1968 Green Hornet

    i didn't think it sold. that was just the max bid. the guy said he was after $3m...
  3. T

    1968 Green Hornet

    $1.8m was the winning bid.
  4. T

    1968 Green Hornet

    watching live now! one car away!
  5. T

    1968 disc brake rotors

    if you want stock disc rotors, All Classis Motors has them. they aren't cheap, but they are the real deal.
  6. T

    1968 Owners Manual

    i picked up a set of original manuals off ebay for $50, the originals have the stamped in details of the purchaser. i would see if they are filled out similar to this. the original documents come in a warranty envelope and include a few different booklets, they are pretty cool to look at these...
  7. T

    1968 Original Licence frames?

    A bit of an update, i tracked a second one down on ebay, and it was living in England of all places! i paid $5 for it and its in better shape than the original,but the letters are a bit duller. 12+ months later i got a random email from a guy near Chicago, saying he had a dealer 'plate' that...
  8. T

    1968 spotted another CS in wa.

    The company that made his original frames might still have the template. www.strandart.com
  9. T


    Hi Guys, i have picked up an Autolite repro battery made by New Castle Battery Mfg that was made with no internal components, dated 93/94. Anyone heard of these? I know that New Castle Batteries did eventually produce a working version of these batteries around 2003 ish and that they were...
  10. T

    For Sale 1968 hcs

    does it come with a 4 speed Manual and a C4 Auto? the Craigslist ad is unclear
  11. T

    1968 Smog Tubes

    i have seen Marti's specifying "Fleet" what does this mean?
  12. T

    1968 Auto Smog Gear

    Thanks, that sounds like a pretty easy setup. and not too costly. Cheers!
  13. T

    1968 Auto Smog Gear

    i did not have the original engine in my J code but i am putting one back in. the new J code hasn't got any smog gear, and i can't compare it to the old engine to see what i need. does anyone have any clear pics of the smog gear i should have on my car? its a C4 car, with ps and ac. Cheers Tim
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    2007+ How late models hold up in a crash

    i wonder if the theif knew that the "convertable" was actually between long and short wheel base, and not just the roof... they did a nice job on it thats for sure!
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    1968 Aussie J code Project

    Hey guys, has anyone seen any good original parchment steering wheels? mine has seen much better days and has wide open cracks that will make it hard to get the underside ribbing correct... if anyone knows of any good places for NOS gear or great original parts (web based) i am very...
  16. T

    For Sale All Original GT/CS (That's what the ad says)

    frainklinair, do you know if the foams are available anywhere? my int is parchment, so i can't get away with black unfortunately.
  17. T

    1968 Original Licence frames?

    Being in Australia, i did not know that originally dealers put there frames on the plates. I had "-ING" left on my plate, and could never work it out until someone showed me one. A very knowledgeable friend from another forum gave me a bed for a few nights on a trip over east, and he gave me a...
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    1968 Aussie J code Project

    sorry, thats my mistake! i should have been a little clearer...
  19. T

    1968 Aussie J code Project

    thanks guys. i was going to look into the K as i hadn't seen a K before. thanks for the extra effort! Mosesatm, i can verify dalorzo_f's statement. here is my engine part and date code;
  20. T

    1968 Aussie J code Project

    ok... my C4 has been replaced also with a 9k14**** version. pretty much someone got a shell that was ok condition, and hooked up a drive train to it, then sold it. thats what you get for a cheap project though i guess. so numbers matching is not going to happen, but i am going to attempt over...