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Search results

  1. T

    1968 Aussie J code Project

    sorry guys still haven't had a chance to get into the shed. too much work and play getting in the way. this is my baby this is the engine i have to work with not too pretty on the outside and one side the cylinders are rusted badly... but i have been assured that only one cylinder...
  2. T

    For Sale All Original GT/CS (That's what the ad says)

    yeah, thats what i keep hearing. took me ages to find a bench seat, now i just gotta get a kit to cover mine. and get new lower foams made up.
  3. T

    For Sale All Original GT/CS (That's what the ad says)

    thats the first 68 parchment bench i have seen! thats whats going in mine once i get my finger out and buy a lotto ticket!
  4. T

    1968 Aussie J code Project

    great pic! will check, i won't need a mirror... my car is stripped bare right now. needs a bit of body work also.
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    1968 Aussie J code Project

    Thanks! my car is an auto and so was the donor engine, so that explains it! the guys here were saying if i want to get it correct it should have smog heads... i knew it wasn't true as they had never been off before. it had me wondering if the car was sold internationally and therefore may have...
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    1968 Aussie J code Project

    Hi Guys, had a moment there when i couldn't work out how to post... (i wasn't logged it! Ha!) My car is not a CS but i am keen to get onto this forum as the J code is also a single year edition. And that beautiful year is 68! hope you guys don't mind... My story... I have a 68 j code Coupe...
  7. T

    1968 Emission Decal for 302-4V

    Hi 6t8-390gt, i am very interested in your J code rebuild. have you got any info on it posted somewhere? on this topic, even if its old... According to Bob Mannell's '62-'69 ford small block book, the sticker on the valve cover is different between auto and manual. I am trying to get a...