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Search results

  1. stangfan

    For Sale GT/CS in Penticton

    I see Alberta plates on it though. http://www.kijiji.ca/v-classic-cars/penticton/1968-mustang-california-special/1239134951?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  2. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday

    to robert campbell! :grin:
  3. stangfan

    . And Another Birthday

    Happy Birthday retroman99! :grin:
  4. stangfan

    . Two Birthdays!

    Happy Birthday to classicsguy and sam. :grin:
  5. stangfan

    1968 Fuse Issue

    I have an issue that has me scratching my head. I just replaced the battery in my GT/CS. I took the car for a run, and noticed that my turn signals had I stopped working. They were fine before. When I got the car home, I found that my radio, trans light and back up lights also were out...
  6. stangfan

    For Sale Rare 1967 gt/cs

  7. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday

    Midnight Special! :grin:
  8. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday

    Have a great day TraveledGTCS! :grin:
  9. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday

    to Cool Manchu! :grin:
  10. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday...

    speedy02. Hope it's a good one! :grin:
  11. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday sportbronc! :grin:
  12. stangfan

    For Sale GT/CS in Vernon

  13. stangfan

    For Sale GT/CS in Kelowna BC

  14. stangfan

    1968 Firewall to Hood Seal Question

    I am about to replace my seal with a new Daniel Carpenter piece. It looks to be very well made and replicates the original very well. I am uncertain about how to install the clips into the seal. I had hoped that they were already installed, but the clips are separate. I assume that I remove...
  15. stangfan

    For Sale GT/CS in Penticton

  16. stangfan

    1968 GT/CS Commercial

    I just found this on YouTube. :grin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es5bJwW7O1Y
  17. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday GTCSMustang

    Hope you have a great day, and perhaps a drive in your GT/CS! :grin:
  18. stangfan

    1968 GT/CS Turned 48 Today

    To celebrate, I took it out on the highway to stretch it's legs a bit and then filled up the tank with some nice fresh gas, and now back in the garage. :grin:
  19. stangfan

    1968 Door Handle Spring

    While replacing my door panels I noticed that one of the door handles has no spring action when in use. Upon placing them side by side, I could see that the spring on one is actually installed backwards, so that the locking end is not in the correct position to tuck into the handle. Can anyone...
  20. stangfan

    1968 Advice Please - Door Panel Replacement

    I am in the process of replacing the door panels. The car has the standard interior, so nothing fancy. Upon removing the window crank I found the original nylon washer still in place between the crank and the panel. I thought that was pretty cool, until I got the panel off. It appears to be...