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Search results

  1. stangfan

    For Sale 1968 Promo Postcard

    I picked one of these up last year. Pretty rare, so I thought I would put it up here. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1968-Large-Color-Mailer-for-the-Ford-Mustang-GT-CS-/401083762454?
  2. stangfan

    1968 Kick Panels

    The kick panels in my GT/CS are both cracked at the screw holes. I want to replace them, and I thought I saw where the Scott Drake ones are pre-drilled at the mounting points. Is this correct? If not Scott Drake, does anyone here know of kick panels that are pre-drilled? Thanks. :grin:
  3. stangfan

    1968 Meanwhile on Facebook

    Whilst on FB this morning, an alert popped up...:grin: http://www.mustangandfords.com/featured-vehicles/1310-1968-ford-mustang-gt-cs/?sm_id=social_aumomustangshub_MustangMonthly_20160105_56868286&adbid=10153434472458074&adbpl=fb&adbpr=25277078073 Isn't that "Something Special"? :cool:
  4. stangfan

    Nappy New Year

    Happy New Year to all my fellow GT/CS nuts. I hope 2016 is good to all of us. :grin:
  5. stangfan

    Merry Christmas to Me!

    I've been after this stuff since it sold out the first time around. Just got back from the liquor store with two bottles of Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye. :grin:
  6. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Batgirl89! :grin:
  7. stangfan

    For Sale Another GT/CS in Surrey BC

    Now that dehcho has bought his GT/CS from Gastown Classics, they have another GT/CS for sale. http://www.ebay.com/itm/301740755870?forcerRptr=true&item=301740755870&viewitem= Vin 8RO1C155425
  8. stangfan

    For Sale C code in Surrey BC

    Don't know if this one has been on eBay before. http://www.ebay.com/itm/301699199788
  9. stangfan

    1968 Who makes the best door panels?

    The door panels on my car aren't the best. The silver foil is peeling, but otherwise they don't look too bad. If I decide to replace them, whose are the best? TMI? I put a pair on a car years ago, and they were terrible. The panels were really flimsy and did not seem anywhere near the...
  10. stangfan

    1968 Tail Lamp Bezel/Lens Screw Finish

    The lens to panel screws on the left of my tail lamps were missing altogether. When I took apart the right side, I found that there were 4 screws holding the lens to the panel. All 4 of them are a black finish. The set of 16 screws I just received through my supplier (from AMK) are all...
  11. stangfan

    1968 Carlite vs Herculite Glass

    I noticed today that all of the glass on my GT/CS is the original Carlite, with the exception of the left wing window. It has the name Herculite etched? into it. I assume that that window was replaced for whatever reason, but the brand name puzzles me. Has anyone heard of Herculite?
  12. stangfan

    1968 Re-painting Arm Rest

    It appears that the left armrest on my car has been poorly re-painted. The dark red is flaking off and the armrest appears to be originally black. I have repainted interior plastics before and have no issues with it. My concern here is that the paint appears to be quite thick. I can flake it...
  13. stangfan

    1968 Screw Loose...

    No, not me...the car. The PO had used an incorrect screw on one of the tail light bezels. I have a correct one in there now, but it is loose, and tends to back out. I have used some of that thin white plastic that is for the threads on air tools, but it only sort of works. Is there something...
  14. stangfan

    1968 Brake Light Question

    I had the car out for a run this morning, and when I backed it into the garage, I noticed that the left side brake light did not seem as bright as the right. After a bit of experimentation, I found the following: - With the headlight switch on in the parking light position, both tail lights...
  15. stangfan

    1968 Does This Car Sound Familiar?

    I had mine out for a run this afternoon and stopped at the gas station on the way home. A fellow came up to me and started talking about the GT/CS. He owned one in Vancouver a few years ago. Blue with aquamarine two tone deluxe interior, 390 with a C-6. He said he sold it as it was just...
  16. stangfan

    1968 Replacing Rear Bumper

    I have a re-chromed Ford bumper that I bought just after acquiring my GT/CS. It even has a correct build code. I want to install it this Spring. When I unbolt the old one from the car, do I unplug the license plate light before I remove the bumper or should I take the screws out from the...
  17. stangfan

    1968 Retaining stud & nut for hood light

    I don't know why I didn't notice this little detail before, but one of the studs that retain the hood louver lights on my GT/CS is missing. Does the stud simply thread into the light and then the tinnerman nut goes on to secure the light to the hood? I do have a couple of studs from a 68 tail...
  18. stangfan

    1968 Water in Battery Tray

    OK, this may seem like a strange question, but I have often wondered. I rarely wash my GT/CS with water. Each time I take it out for a drive, I dust it off with a California Duster, and when it needs a bit more, I use Meguiar's Ultimate Quick Detailer. I wax it a couple of times a year. I...
  19. stangfan

    For Sale Marchal Fogs on eBay

    This is an awfully high buy it now price for a set that need restoration. http://www.ebay.com/itm/371252921361?item=371252921361&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME:SS:SS:US:3160&vxp=mtr
  20. stangfan

    For Sale Lucas Light Covers

    Oooh look...only $250!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/251736493046?item=251736493046&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME:SS:SS:US:1120&vxp=mtr :icon_ecst When I first opened this ad, I thought he was selling a set of lights and covers for that price. Holy crap...!