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Search results

  1. stangfan

    For Sale 68 gt/cs

    Just found this one over at Concoursmustang. http://shastamustangsupply.com/68gtcstom.htm
  2. stangfan

    1968 Horn Panel Part Numbers

    I am in the process of refurbishing my horn panel with the Scott Drake parts (bezel, buttons and emblem) and needed to re-dye the panel and pad. The part number on the GT/CS panel appears to have been scribed into the material by hand. I had another panel from a 68 Coupe which I sold after...
  3. stangfan

    . GT/CS 2015 Calendar

    Just wondering if there is going to be a calendar photo submission contest this year. :grin:
  4. stangfan

    1968 Side scoop screw

    This is one of those "little things" that bother me. One of the two phillips head screws that mount into the front of the scoop is missing. Is this something I could pick up at a hardware store, or is it a special screw? Thanks.
  5. stangfan

    For Sale 1968 Lucas Lights

    Here's another set from the fellow I got mine from. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Lucas-Rectangle-FT-LR8-Fog-Light-Pair-/281333970603?ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:US:1123
  6. stangfan

    1968 Lucas Lights Question

    Today I swapped out my "Foreign Glass" lens for one of the "England" lenses from my spare set of lights. When I took the spare apart, I found that the lens was secured to the light housing by a sort of putty. Then when I took the lens off the light on the car, it had a similar putty used on...
  7. stangfan

    1968 Had a Pretty Good Day

    Not a bad day today. Waxed the GT/CS this morning. After lunch I took it for a nice run, and just before I left, my Lucas Fog Lamps I won on eBay arrived. When I got back, my 2014 NPD catalog had arrived. A good day in the Mustang world. :cool:
  8. stangfan

    1968 GT/CS Postcard

    Did Ford use postcards as a promotion for the GT/CS in 68? There is one on eBay, but to me it doesn't quite look "right".
  9. stangfan

    1968 Score

    I just won an eBay auction for a pair of Lucas fogs. Chrome housings, both lenses are "England" and everything appears to be in very good condition. My lights are great, but one lens is "Foreign Glass". Don't know why, but I was the only bidder. Got the set for $175 US, which is a pretty...
  10. stangfan

    1968 Hood Pins Yet Again

    Having reassembled the hood pins so that the spring is between the twist lock and washer, I noticed that the hood sheet metal was being pulled down considerably around the lock. I have readjusted the retainers following the GT/CS book, but then found that the twist locks sat quite high from the...
  11. stangfan

    1968 Happy Build Day #8R01C150245

    I'm just back in from a build day run in my GT/CS. 46 years ago today it went down the production line! :cool:
  12. stangfan

    For Sale NOS Lucas Lens Covers

    Someone was looking for these a while ago. This is what I paid for mine earlier this year. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Shelby-NOS-Lucas-Fog-Light-Covers-and-Straps1968-1969-1970-Period-Correct-/271346489284?ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:US:3160
  13. stangfan

    1968 Seatbelts - Deluxe or Otherwise

    My GT/CS has the seatbelts which include the shoulder belts. Are these what is referred to as the deluxe seatbelts? If not, what are deluxe seatbelts? Thanks.
  14. stangfan

    1968 GT/CS TV Commercials

    I just found this on YouTube. :cool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C6NJw9S2R8
  15. stangfan

    1968 Engine Questions

    My car is a C code, so it is a 289 2v car. The PO told me that he had the engine rebuilt, including .30 over pistons and the appraisal that came with the car mentions that it is the rebuilt original engine. I have the car into my shop right now, as one of the heads is cracked and I am going to...
  16. stangfan

    1968 Cylinder Head Casting Number

    My GT/CS was built mid-March and has a 289 2-V engine. One of the heads has a crack which is getting worse. My mechanic wants me to source another set of heads and get them rebuilt for installation on the engine. I strongly suspect that the car has non-original heads, as the PO told me that...
  17. stangfan

    For Sale 1968 GT/CS For Sale on Vancouver Island, BC

  18. stangfan

    . Website Down Today?

    Thank goodness it is back. I've been having withdrawals today as the site wouldn't load. Was there a problem? :cry:
  19. stangfan

    For Sale 1968 GT/CS on usedvictoria.com

    Looks like a nice car. http://www.usedvictoria.com/classified-ad/1968-Ford-Mustang-GTCS_20012975
  20. stangfan

    68 Horn Panel Bezel & Buttons

    The bezel buttons on my pad could use a little refreshing, and the running horse button in the middle is cracked. I have a spare wheel, so I took the bezel off to see how the buttons are installed. It looks to me like the only way to get them out is through the front. Has anyone taken theirs...