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Search results

  1. CougarCJ

    This thing on?

    Been very quiet the last few days. Waassss uuupp? :grin:
  2. CougarCJ

    1968 302 Engine - Later Casting

    Hey guys and gals, I started stripping down the engine and transmission intended for my GT/CS and discovered that the block has a 1978 casting. The 4V intake is from a 1967 289-4V, the distributor from a 1970 302-2V, and the whole engine/C4 transmission assembly was pulled from a 1968 Mercury...
  3. CougarCJ

    1968 K Marti FAQ's

    I was reading through the frequently asked questions at Kevin Marti's site. Found this about our cars: http://www.martiauto.com/faqfocus.cfm?qid=18 I have a High Country Special. How come my report says it is a California Special? Actually your report should list both California Special and...
  4. CougarCJ

    1968 Reserved spot with my body guy

    I talked with my intended body guy, and my car is the next in line. He has been in Oregon a few years and works from his home business. Very savvy Mustang wise, he previously was restoring Mustangs down in Sacramento. As of late, he has been restoring Cougars along with Mustangs. The two he is...
  5. CougarCJ

    New shoes

    I installed a set of these wheels on my GT/CS, what do you think?:grin: bonus points to who ever identifies them.
  6. CougarCJ

    Neil question

    My boss just purchased a low mileage 1968 XR7 for his wife. It has this pilot owners decal in the back window. Can you shed any information on this? Looks kinda old, maybe from the 1960's?
  7. CougarCJ

    1968 Who in Salem

    Who in Salem? My boss was running an errand and had the camera in his pocket. Seen on 12th street in Salem, Oregon.
  8. CougarCJ

    Country drive with a 427 under the hood

    Well it wasn't a 1968 Mustang, but it was a 1968 Cougar. A black XR7 GT-E to be exact. Brought one of our customers cars back to the shop today. This is a real, W code 427-4V Cougar. Beautiful car, older picture, it now has the correct exhaust tips. Brian's parting words to me were "If you...
  9. CougarCJ

    1968 Missed Kodak Moment

    Ever have one of those, "Darn I wish I had my camera moments?" I had one of those today that involves a 1968 GT/CS. My boss and I took a field trip to a wrecking yard with lots of vintage cars and parts. A private yard here in Oregon. The owner of the yard owns a 1968 GT/CS that he wrecked 20...
  10. CougarCJ

    Relocating to Oregon

    I will be moving up to Oregon sometime in early March. A job offer has come through at a company called West Coast Classic Cougars. http://www.cougarpartscatalog.com/ My position will include many things. Catalog listings, research, eBay sales, purchasing and vendor compliance, and I will be...
  11. CougarCJ

    Cool photography of models

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/24796741@N05/sets/72157604247242338/show/with/2346008881/ Probably looked at 2 dozen, before I realized they were all in miniature.
  12. CougarCJ

    1968 Early GT/CS - Thoughts?

    I was reading something that Rob Campbell posted regarding the introduction date of Feb 15, 1968, and the timeline for my GT/CS. Looking through all of the Marti reports on our site, most of the GT/CS cars have an 'actual' build date and release date either the same or one day apart. My GT/CS...
  13. CougarCJ

    1968 Faux Hood Locks

    Another solution instead of cutting holes in hood and the spendy ($185+) for the repop brackets and hood locks. These are in the late model Mustang catalog.
  14. CougarCJ

    1968 Ebay car with smog?

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-68-GT-CS-1968-Ford-Mustang-GT-CS-California-Special-289-V8-Auto_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem20ae08e82dQQitemZ140358772781QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks Not sure why this car has a thermactor smog system. No need unless it is a manual transmission or 390-4V or...
  15. CougarCJ

    . 2010 Knott's Fabulous Fords Forever

    My Ford council contact says that the 2010 Knott's Berry Farm - Fabulous Fords Forever show is scheduled for Sunday April 25, 2010.
  16. CougarCJ

    Very cool Halloween costume

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_PgQCY1k5c Don't know why it won't work embedded?
  17. CougarCJ

    1968 Another Fred Goodell car

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PROTO-TYPE-GT-350-1-OF-3-EVER-BUILT-EXPERIMENTAL-RARE_W0QQitemZ250485921802QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item3a521fd80a&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 Deja vu, like sitting inside of my Cougar. LOL 1 OF 3 EVER BUILT AND LISTED IN THE SHELBY REGISTRY AS BEING SO...
  18. CougarCJ

    1968 1968 GT/CS at Woodburn, Oregon

    Didn't get a picture, but saw a fairly nice red GT/CS at the Fun Ford weekend at Woodburn, Oregon last Sunday. Looked a couple of times, but never did find the owner. Was that anyone from this forum?
  19. CougarCJ

    Stranger Danger

    Ever have one of those "That doesn't look right", feelings? I was just out doing one of my power walks, and I passed a teenaged girl going the other way. Not 30 seconds later this car with a single guy slows down and angles towards the curb. My mental radar was pinging like crazy. I turned...
  20. CougarCJ

    1968 Galpin does it again

    Known as the 2009 1/2 Iacocca 45th Anniversary Edition Ford Mustang, this coach-built pony car features a special body designed by Michael Leone and built by the legendary Gaffoglio Family Metalcrafters. The car features a reworked front end including sunken headlights and a prominent fastback...