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Search results

  1. CougarCJ

    1968 Details for the Registry

    Tracked one down. Two owner car. Sold new at Ray Schultens Ford in The Dalles, Oregon. 8R01C156648 65A B 2D 15D 74 2 1 No options at the time. First owner was a lady, she had it until 1999. In 1999, the lady traded it back to the dealer on a new Ford Van. She was given top dollar as a trade in...
  2. CougarCJ

    . 50th at Woodburn, Oregon

    Here are a couple of GT/CS's in attendance at the Woodburn Dragstrip for the 50th anniversary of the Mustang. Visited with Deadstang, and some other friends too. Some of the other cars I thought were [URL="<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360"...
  3. CougarCJ

    . Salvage Titles

    Starting a new on topic thread. :grin: The above scenario is exactly why we have car specialty registries. Most of the registrars that I work with, make footnotes to all VIN's submitted. If the VIN with the rusted hulk is registered as such, it gets included. The one reported as...
  4. CougarCJ

    . Kevin Marti Service Center Museum

    Here is the video clip that West Coast Classic Cougar shot back in January 2013 during Kevin's open house and museum debut. I'm the guy on the right during the introduction. http://youtu.be/-C0mBfcJdv8 Interesting Ford memorabilia and Dealer items.
  5. CougarCJ

    1968 Rear end progress

    Seems like forever since I have done any work on my GT/CS. Removed the rear end and leaf springs today, came out super easy :grin: , I'll be able to reuse all of my original hardware. Leaf spring casting number. 7M on the passengers side.
  6. CougarCJ

    1968 New for the Registry

    Found this one for sale at the PIR Swapmeet. $25,000 8R01J155543 65A D 2B 03D 73 5 W With Marti Report. Highlights from Marti Report: Sold new in Salt Lake City, Utah. GT/CS, power steering, AM radio, styled steel wheels, headrests, deluxe steering wheel. Nice looking car, owner was not aware...
  7. CougarCJ

    1968 8R01C151951 Spotted

    Found it at the Portland PIR Swap Meet. It is rough, not much more than a naked rolling shell. Damage to the radiator core support and roof. Still sporting the Springtime Yellow paint. Seller says that he bought it on eBay a while back from California. Has no Marti, asking $1500. I didn't...
  8. CougarCJ

    Found a Van

    Whoo-Hoo! Too bad it isn't a VW, I would be all over it. LOL :grin:
  9. CougarCJ

    1968 Found an engine - What are the odds?

    Found a good used running engine for my J code GT/CS. Hit my build date really close, too. :cheesy: One of our local customers sold a rolling 1968 Cougar car body minus engine. He gave me first chance of refusal, knowing I was needing a 302-4V. Complete 302-4V engine with all brackets and...
  10. CougarCJ

    1968 Pony Carburetors Closing

    I was sent this message as an FYI. Sad stuff, another business catering to the vintage car crowd has closed its doors. Pony Carbs has closed their doors. It is my understanding that they are finishing any carbs in process and will be returning those that were not yet started. Jon Miles...
  11. CougarCJ

    Cool Retro Shelby Mustang

    Saw this at SEMA, had me fooled for a minute looking at it head on. Nicely done if you ask me.
  12. CougarCJ

    1968 Interior paint confusion

    Need some information for my body shop. 1968 GT/CS with a color change.:lipsseal: Acapulco Blue exterior, black interior. Dash and steering column gets painted charcoal, correct? What about the rest of the interior? Doors, rear panels, etc? Are they supposed to be black or body color? The...
  13. CougarCJ

    1968 Painting questions

    OK, so I have taken my car to the body and paint shop. Dropped off most of the body parts and trim pieces that should be painted. Let me pick your collective brains. Headlight rings made of pot metal, those get painted body color. Correct? Going for a color change in and out, sorry folks, I...
  14. CougarCJ

    1968 Hood River, Oregon

    Was up at the Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum yesterday and caught a glimpse of a blue GT/CS. Anyone here? Thought of you Neil, they had a bunch of vintage air planes and classic cars.
  15. CougarCJ

    1968 Good news / Bad news from the 2011 Recognition Guide

    Received my copy of the book. The good news is my GT/CS is one of the very early hand built cars. The bad news is that it is listed incorrectly as a C code 289. With a former owners name. Listed with an "M" for Marti Report, but the door data plate information is incomplete. For those that...
  16. CougarCJ

    1968 390 Radiator Fan C8OE-B - Reproduction

    Want to share that my company has commissioned the reproduction 7 blade radiator fan for the 1968 X-code 390-2V, S-code 390-4V, and R code 428CJ engines. Fan has the Ford part number C8OE-B. Retail price is $225.00, introductory sale price is $199.85, available Now. Reproduction C8OE-B...
  17. CougarCJ

    1968 GT/CS in Maryland

    One of our customers works at this shop ordering parts, we were talking and he said to check out the GT/CS being worked on in their shop.
  18. CougarCJ

    Little red wagon

    As they say,... "the difference between men and boys, is the size of their toys". :eek: There are no words to describe it, you have to see for yourself.
  19. CougarCJ

    1968 Trunk spring length needed

    Can someone please pop their trunk and measure the length of the trunk torsion springs? I am not totally positive that I received them with my project, need to identify a pair of them here. Thanks in advance!