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Search results

  1. CougarCJ

    1968 Fun GT/CS Video

    These two young women seemed to have a genuinely good time. Very entertaining.
  2. CougarCJ

    1968 White GT/CS from Washington

    Clip showed up on my Youtube feed. Youtube
  3. CougarCJ

    1968 Remembering our friends

    While at the Portland Swapmeet today, I saw these two business cards amongst some GT/CS parts.
  4. CougarCJ

    1968 Steve Magnante Youtube Channel with GT/CS Junkyard Walk Around

    I think that the VIN is: 8R01C165290 65A T 2U? 10F 53 2 W Pretty rough. In a Arizona junkyard. Supposedly in one of the registries.
  5. CougarCJ

    For Sale GT/CS on Bring a Trailer

    8R01C156571 with Marti Report https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1968-ford-mustang-california-special-12/ Born a 3 speed, now a 4 speed.
  6. CougarCJ

    1968 Seafoam Green in Canada

    Pretty nice car, originally from BC, Canada. Alex traded a rusty VW bus for this GT/CS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zBeT-xz0PM
  7. CougarCJ

    1968 Lucky find

    Last week my boss and I cleaned out a large car part estate in SoCal. Two enclosed trailer loads and two pickups loaded full. GT/CS specific parts too. Two pairs of NOS California Special quarter scripts, and two used trunk lids. One of the trunk lids still has the corner seals installed...
  8. CougarCJ

    Events Forum out of date by 7 years

    Added an event, but am unable to post anything after 2014. Thought someone should know. :cool:
  9. CougarCJ

    . 42nd Annual International Mustang Meet - Boise, Idaho - September 3rd-6th

    Anyone going? Main show is Saturday Sept 4, 2021. I will be there as a spectator. https://imm42.com/
  10. CougarCJ

    Is there anybody out there?

    Everyone staying close to home and following the guidelines for safe distances? How about checking in? Just nod, if you can hear me. :grin: I know Neil will have his car finished in short order. Rob, you sitting inside watching for the UPS man everyday? Bringing car parts and stuff.
  11. CougarCJ

    Christmas present from wife

    I love my wife, she finds cool things for me. Door mat for my workshop. :smile:
  12. CougarCJ

    Ford v Ferrari

    Anyone see it yet? Saw it opening day. Really enjoyed it, Christian Bale did an outstanding job playing Ken Miles.
  13. CougarCJ

    1968 GT/CS / HCS spotted at 7:35

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDghGKM_3l8 Hagerty junkyard tour
  14. CougarCJ

    Ridgecrest Earthquake

    Thoughts are with you Scott aka GTCSMustang, and your neighbors. Hope everyone and everything is safe.
  15. CougarCJ

    RIP Bandit

    Burt Reynolds passed away today. Made Pontiac Trans Am's popular in the 1970's. RIP Burt.
  16. CougarCJ

    Merry Christmas

    A child growing up in the 1960's-1970's will get this. :grin:
  17. CougarCJ

    Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile

    Interesting sight coming the other way on I-5 this afternoon. We saw the Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile. Couldn't snap a picture of it with the phone in time. Felt like a kid, I got so excited. :grin: http://www.oscarmayer.com/wienermobile
  18. CougarCJ

    1968 Plasma LED 1157 Bulbs

    I know at least one of you stumbled upon the super bright Plasma LED 1157 tail light bulbs that we are marketing for Cougars. Since my under dash / tail light wiring harnesses, and tail lights are in a box. I will bring them to work and hook them up to the test board and make sure that they work...
  19. CougarCJ

    Hello, is this thing on?

    Is everyone but me, using Internet Explorer? Where are you guys?
  20. CougarCJ

    New toy

    1997 Mazda MX-5 Touring Edition, 5 speed, 114,000 adult driven miles. Flew to Yuma, Arizona Thursday, and drove it home, arriving last night. Fun car, 29 mpg.