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Search results

  1. Powell

    Hi Neil, I was wondering if you received the 1/64" models of the California Special? Ralph

    Hi Neil, I was wondering if you received the 1/64" models of the California Special? Ralph
  2. Powell

    1968 low vaccum

    Hoping someone can give me some help/info here. My brother-in-law has built me a 302 motor for my GT/CS. It has a "mild " cam that claimed to be without any worries with vacuum. Upon start up we find the intake vacuum is only 8 inches of mercury, Running a Fitech fuel injection system and it...
  3. Powell

    Side scoop screen

    If you pm me your address I can send you some of the emgraving vinyl that you can cut to fit. Powell
  4. Powell

    For Sale GT/CS Christmas Ornament

    So glad you got 1 Sheryl, I found the same thing here in Oregon. Our store got 10 and were gone within 15 minutes of opening. Didn't know Hallmark collectors are as bat crazy about collections as California Special owners are.
  5. Powell

    . Happy Birthday to...

    Happy Birthday Ron, hope you have a great day and year to follow.
  6. Powell

    . Happy Birthday...

    Happy Birthday Steve, hope you have a great day and year to follow.
  7. Powell

    1968 GT/CS painting

    Wow Gary, what a great talent.
  8. Powell

    . 2018 50th Anniversary limited edition Window Clinger

    Got my 50th. Birthday clings today in the mail. These are awesome Gary, thank you for all your work on these! Ralph
  9. Powell

    1968 1SPCL68 turns 50

    I just wish I had thought of that!
  10. Powell

    . 2018 50th Anniversary limited edition Window Clinger

    Gary, thank you for your work on this project. I just sent some money, hard to tell how much with exchange rate etc. but I hope to get 4 of the GT/CS window clings. Please let me know if I need to send more. Ralph Powell
  11. Powell

    1968 Turning 50

    Well today 2-19 is our CS's 50/th . birthday. To bad is snowed a little here in the Portland area.
  12. Powell

    1968 GT/CS registry window sticker

    I would also like 3 of the GT/CS decals. Ralph
  13. Powell

    1968 California Special Registry

    Mike, Thank you for all that you have done for us with the registry. I hope everyone out there appreciates what you have had to put up with to keep it going. I'm glad to see that you are passing it on to very competent members to carry on.
  14. Powell

    . Happy Birthday wishes to...

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes!
  15. Powell

    . Happy Birthday to....

    Happy Birthday Neil, hope you have a wonderful day and year to follow.
  16. Powell

    Hi Arley, Ralph Powell "Powell" here. I have tried to e-mail you with no response,so here goes...

    Hi Arley, Ralph Powell "Powell" here. I have tried to e-mail you with no response,so here goes on the GT/CS site. I came across a 68 GT/CS here in Beaverton Or. that I don't think is in the registry, but am not real savey about the search part of the web site. The Vin of this car is...
  17. Powell

    Hi Mike, Ralph Powell here. I just came across a 68 GT/CS here in Beaverton Oregon that I...

    Hi Mike, Ralph Powell here. I just came across a 68 GT/CS here in Beaverton Oregon that I don't see in the registry. The vin is: 8RO1J155935. Could you re check and see if it is there? I appreciate your help. Ralph Powell rkpowell.signs@frontier.com
  18. Powell

    For Sale Project GT/CS in Annapolis

    The Drivers rear quarter panel with the two holes looks like some rough body work .
  19. Powell

    ADMIN Is it still worth making a wall calendar this year?

    My whole family looks forward to their Christmas GT/CS calendars. Hope we have one this year.
  20. Powell

    1968 Doug is recovering nicely

    I might add that there were two different sending units for a 1968 ford. One for an oil indicator light ( idiot light ) and a different one for an oil pressure gauge.