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Search results

  1. Powell

    1968 Rear Valance

    Wow, congrats Scott on getting married. Life with a new wife and a grand daughter take precedence over the car. We all know it will get done at some point, but this is precious time with your family.
  2. Powell

    For Sale Renee's Blue GT/CS

    So maybe such a gathering would need to take plate at Rob's.
  3. Powell

    . Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Scott, hope to see you at the All Ford show at the end the Month.
  4. Powell

    For Sale Renee's Blue GT/CS

    I'm almost afraid to ask if anyone knows why Renee's car is for sale?
  5. Powell

    . Happy Birthday...

    Happy Birthday Steve, hope you had a great day!
  6. Powell

    . Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Rob. Hope you have a great day with this sunshine in the pnw.
  7. Powell

    1968 Next project

    Black with red stripe and red interior is very stunning.
  8. Powell

    1968 Next project

    Neil, it is a long shot, but I have had great success with a product called "peels plus". It is a heavy duty degreaser,cleaner, but has worked for me in similar situations if I let it soak over several days.
  9. Powell

    1968 Happy Birthday Clubpro!

    Happy Birthday Ron, hope your day is "Special".
  10. Powell

    ADMIN 2016 CS.com calendars now on sale!

    Just got my calendars and they are absolutely beautiful as always. Thank you Jon for your continued good work.
  11. Powell

    1968 Happy Birthday Midnight Special

    +1 on Rob's post.
  12. Powell

    1968 Happy Birthday Midnight Special

    Happy Birthday Tim, hope you had a wonderful day with family. Ralph and Karen
  13. Powell

    Wanted Diecast 1:24 or 1:18

    The greenlight toys 1:18 model is as close as you will find. The vinyl top can be sanded flat and painted if you do not have a vinyl top. That is what I've done for mine. There is a dealer very near to you in Washington... Mini Muscle cars can be found on the web. there price is like $40.00
  14. Powell

    . Happy Birthday to 68 Special

    Happy Birthday Brett, hope you have a great day even though it's probably too rainy to take your CS for a drive.
  15. Powell

    1968 Gas Cap leaking

    Good idea Neil, is the hidden cap vented??
  16. Powell

    . I heard a rumor

    Happy Birthday Mike, hope you have a great day.
  17. Powell

    . Happy Birthday Clubpro

    Happy Birthday Ron. Hope you have a wonderful day.
  18. Powell

    . Reno Hot August Nights 2015?

    Robert good luck with finding reasonable rates anytime for HOT August Nights. We have taken our GT/CS to every year for the last 15 years. Robert is spot on about the trip there and the event itself being HOT,HOT but is a great deal of fun. You'll find trying to go from one venue to another...
  19. Powell

    . GT/CS Shirts, Hats, Etc.

    We got our shirts over the weekend and as always if Arley does them they are beyond perfect!! Thank you Arley we really appreciate your time and effort into this project.. Karen and Ralph