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Search results

  1. Powell

    1968 electrical

    Ok the last post I did was about the ignition switch I replaced and the question about the pink wire . The GODFATHER" Neal" nailed my problem. I have a Pertronix aftermarket distributor and now find out I need a full 12v to the coil. With the resistance wire from the switch I have 10 volts...
  2. Powell

    . Happy Birthday CougarCJ

    Happy Birthday Scott. Hope you have another wonderful birthday.
  3. Powell

    . GT/CS Shirts, Hats, Etc.

    Information cards WOW,WOW, AND WOW. I just got my information cards from Arley. It took me about 10 minutes to give some away to my neighbor. These cards are perfect Arley. Thank you so very much for your help!!! And I am not saying that due to threats to Rob "dark beer" or to Stephen for...
  4. Powell

    1968 wiring decode

    Thanks Neil. PM sent. I get so confused after laying under that dash for a few hours that I get crazy. The old pig-tail had the large pink wire tied to the Green with red tracer???
  5. Powell

    1968 wiring decode

    I am replacing my ignition switch and the new pig-tail has a wire (red w/ green tracer) for the life of me I can not find a wire with these colors under my dash. Can anyone tell me what the wire is for?? Thanks in advance for any help you can be. Ralph
  6. Powell

    . GT/CS Shirts, Hats, Etc.

    Arley, those look really good. Powells love the red one of course.
  7. Powell

    1968 time for your input gentlemen......

    Stephen, I agree with Scott unless your skill level isn't up to it. If so I would jump all over Steve "rvrtrash" offer to take your car and get the work done by someone we all know and trust!! Ralph
  8. Powell

    . Photo Your Winter Fun

    Joe, you are so close that if you order the pliers from Summit Racing they will be there the very next day.
  9. Powell

    . Happy Birthday rvrtrash

    Happy Birthday Steve, hope you have a wonderful day!!
  10. Powell

    1968 what type of washer switch is used in the 68 GT/CS

    I am confused by the question/answers here. My wiper switch is in the dash, but the "Washer switch" is a foot activated lever near the high/low beam headlight switch on the floor.
  11. Powell

    1968 Headrests

    Neil Back in 2012 dalorzo_f posted a fix for using the 69 headrest on the 68 seat that looks promising. Try a search and let us know what you think.
  12. Powell

    . GT/CS Shirts, Hats, Etc.

    polo shirts Arley, Karen and Ralph Powell would like to order 2 of the "Corner Stone" CS412P polo shirts in Red with black embroidery. One a Medium the other one an X-large. The next question is how do we get payment to you? Ralph
  13. Powell

    . GT/CS Shirts, Hats, Etc.

    Count Karen and Ralph in also.
  14. Powell

    1968 Happy Birthday Renee!!...

    Happy Birthday Renee'. Here's wishing you a very happy birthday. Karen and Ralph
  15. Powell

    Can not post pictures

    Didn't work for me!
  16. Powell

    . Happy Birthday Clubpro

    Happy Birthday Ron, Hope you have a wonderful day and get to enjoy a nice ride in your car.Ralph and Karen
  17. Powell

    . Happy Birthday CougarCJ

    Happy Birthday Scott.
  18. Powell

    1968 Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Cory, hope you get a chance to take the CS out for a little bd fun today.
  19. Powell

    . Who's going to Vegas?

    Great to hear from you John. It's so nice to see the "SPECIAL" special out at the show.
  20. Powell

    . 50th at Woodburn, Oregon

    Nice pics Scott. We were there with the 08. The 68 died on the way and didn't make it out of the Landmark Ford parking lot where we were to gather. We counted a total of 5-68 GT/CS's and one clone. Somewhere near 900 Mustangs attempting to break the Geneis (sp) book of records for most...