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Search results

  1. CJ

    Hi Jon; I rechecked the registry information again and noted the wheels sections shows unknown...

    Hi Jon; I rechecked the registry information again and noted the wheels sections shows unknown. I checked standard hubcaps with red center. Thanks Again Claude Sprinkel sprinkel@surewest.net
  2. CJ

    Hi Jon: Regarding the registry information on my Mustang would you please correct the owner...

    Hi Jon: Regarding the registry information on my Mustang would you please correct the owner information as "original" instead of unknown. My VIN is 8R01J142560. Regards Claude Sprinkel sprinkel@surewest.net
  3. CJ

    . Spring problems

    Oil-Pressure Gauge Like the fuel and coolant-temperature gauges, the oil-pressure gauge reads based on the amount of power flowing across it to ground. The oil-pressure sending unit has a spring-loaded piston inside. The piston moves a contact back and forth across a variable resistor. Power...
  4. CJ

    1968 We got published today ...!

    Good for you guys. Nice article. CJ
  5. CJ

    . A Heartfelt Thank You to everyone!

    Paul; Sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom. Your friends, Claude & Beth.
  6. CJ

    1968 Help needed in Arizona: E bay seller has my $$$

    ClassicsGuy; You may want to hire a private investigator, like I said one that is retired from law enforcement. For starters they do not have to abide by the law when talking to suspects. They will do a lot of the investigative foot work, build your case and turn it over to the local enforcement...
  7. CJ

    1968 Help needed in Arizona: E bay seller has my $$$

    Classics Guy; It appears to me that these two individuals involved in this conspiracy have committed mail fraud; Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 63, Section 1343. Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or...
  8. CJ

    2007+ GT/CS vs. 55 Chevy

    Thanks for sharing the drag video. Too cool...... CJ
  9. CJ

    Best Ford Commercial

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a5p4KxvujQ CJ
  10. CJ

    Incredible Day!!!

    Congratulations ! CJ
  11. CJ

    Favorite Gallery on Site

    If you "click" on Gallery, then "click" on Gallery Home you can get other interesting info on the pic's also. CJ
  12. CJ

    Comment by 'CJ' in album '1968 GT/CS - Lime Gold'

    Very Nice. You gotta love the ivy/gold, we do. CJ
  13. CJ

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    Fear No Evil Though I fly through the valley of death I shall fear no evil. For I am at 80000 ft and still climbing.
  14. CJ

    Window Cleaning Trick!!!

    Been using them for several years for the cars and furniture. You can purchase them almost anywhere these days. CJ
  15. CJ

    When you see another GT/CS while driving..

    Tim; I was making reference to the "old fart" driving the car, not about never receiving accolades about my GT/CS or otherwise. Just trying to comfort another "old fart". CJ
  16. CJ

    When you see another GT/CS while driving..

    I feel your pain brother...............no respect!
  17. CJ

    Wa Roundup t-shirts anyone?

    I would be interested in purchasing one xxl CJ
  18. CJ

    Drag Race Video Link

    You shut down that Pontiac big time. Awesome video! CJ