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Search results

  1. CJ

    New York Times Classic Car Photo Contest

    Sorry Mustangman-nl, I have had my GT/CS pics posted there since 8/7/07 along with the history of our GT/CS's. However it would be cool to have this site possibly flooded with our GT/CS's. By the way, your car is excellent and the pic's are really neat. I would have given you a 10 but they...
  2. CJ

    Where Did She Go? Too Funny

    Watch the ending.............. http://www.livevideo.com/video/488B9425D1CD4283964E8F5E9112859A/drunk-girl-on-pole.aspx CJ
  3. scan0004.jpg


  4. CJ

    Slide Show 2nd Annual GT/CS BBQ

    We really appreciate Mike and Robinette for their hospitality. Everyone had a great time to say the least. The fly over put together by Tim was unbelieveable. We are proud to know so many GT/CS owners and enthusiasts. I hope everyone enjoys this slide show...
  5. Me&CalSpecial.jpg


  6. CJ

    Racing Results and Pictures from Fontana

    Interesting read and great video. Best of luck and thanks for sharing. CJ
  7. CJ

    GT/CS' make a splash at Wild West Mustang Show

    Way too go Mike and Robinette. Your hard work and dedication to perfection paid off.
  8. CJ

    Mystery Hood Wire Retainer

    I still have the original one attached. CJ
  9. CJ

    WANTED: 14" Stock Wheel

    Hey CougarCJ; Thanks for the offer I appreciate it. Something Special offered to help me out. He lives relatively close to my location. CJ
  10. CJ

    WANTED: 14" Stock Wheel

    I am in need of a 14" stock wheel, 5 lug for disc brakes for my GT/CS. Anyone that has one for sale please let me know. Thanks CJ
  11. CJ

    Does the Ribbed Side go Out?

    Grooved design runs cooler for a longer life of your belt Less noise when running Ribbed design provides less slippage Works better under overload situations CJ
  12. CJ

    Need help on installing and measurements on CS stripe,please!

    Hey Bob....here is the link to the stripe diagram from Paul's book depicting the proper installation and measurements. Good Luck CJ http://www.californiaspecial.com/forums/vbpicgallery.php?do=big&p=440
  13. CJ

    2008 GT/CS Guide - Warriors in Pink

    FOMOCO's Participation rea Warrior's In Pink Luisa; Here is the link to your question regarding FOMOCO involvement. http://www.fordvehicles.com/warriorsinpink/commitment/ CJ
  14. CJ

    ADMIN - One of our own has passed away

    Jason Wieder JASON WIEDER PALM BAY Jay Wieder, 41 years old,passed away suddenly onWednesday, February21,20 07. He wasborn March 30,1965 in Allentown, PA. to the late Allan and Jean Wieder. Jay and his wife, Frances moved to Palm Bay in 2002. He worked at Intersil Corp and was an avid member of...
  15. CJ

    ADMIN - One of our own has passed away

    Our thoughts and prayers are with Jay's family. CJ & family
  16. CJ

    Auto Show

    Good for you. CJ
  17. CJ

    Your GT/CS: Primary Driver? Show Car?

    Paul; Having been the original owner's of our GT/CS it was one of our primary vehicles early on. Since 1988 it was replaced with other autos that had more creature comforts so it was consequently garaged. In 1989 this GT/CS was given a complete make-over; new vinyl top, paint, complete interior...
  18. CJ

    Opinions on Car Covers

    Car Cover and Care Info The use of a car cover is a double-edged sword, as they are both protective and possibly damaging. A cover that does not fit properly may be more damaging than no cover at all. If it is too loose, wind may cause it to flap against the paint, causing severe scratching. To...
  19. CJ

    Diamond Rio's Newest Song (Not Being Played)

    According to Snopes.com "Just a Rumor Only" In God We Still Trust Claim: Radio stations declined to play the Diamond Rio song "In God We Still Trust" because of its subject matter. Status: False. Example: [Collected via e-mail, 2006] Origins: The lyrics of the Diamond Rio song "In God...