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1968 We got published today ...!

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Greetings all,
One of our local Victoria area newspapers runs regular articles listed as "Reader's Rides" in their automotive "In Motion" section. Laurie had suggested to me that I send them a few pictures of our 68 GT/CS "S" code with a bit of general information about these cars, and so I did. Well, they massaged the supplied info into a short article and published it today (Friday, March 6th) with one of the photos I gave them. Needless to say, Laurie was thrilled ...
I also gave them the link to this website which they included at the end of the article, so maybe it'll boost our membership. If nothing else, we might get a lot more "hits" on the site this weekend!


  • InMotion March 6 2009.jpg
    InMotion March 6 2009.jpg
    189.4 KB · Views: 63
  • Readers Rides article resized.jpg
    Readers Rides article resized.jpg
    73.7 KB · Views: 39
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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Good for you guys. Nice article.


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
What a great article and story!! When my wife and I got maried in 1978 we owned our black 67 Fastback. Rob was too worried that someone would put shaving cream on it, or worse, so we did not have it in the wedding...

So what did we drive away in..... A 1978 Chrysler Le-Baron......... Corinthine leather special as advertised by Ricardo whoever-a-bon.....

How dumb is that...... What a lost photo memory...



Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Very cool! We've got one of those sections in our local paper too. Not that I'll be in it any time soon. :lipsseal:
GT/CS S Code

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Small edit ...

Hi again,
I just edited this thread so that one of the attachments is now a much cleaner copy of the article and much easier to read. (They had yesterday's edition of the paper online now, so I "borrowed" and cropped their original version of the article which was much better than my scan of the newspaper page, so I've added it as well ....)
We've had a number of replies this morning from friends and family commenting on how they enjoyed seeing the article on our car, including one from Terry's widow Sue. She though the article was wonderful and a very fitting tribute to Terry.
The weather is improving here, so we'll have to think about re-licencing soon so that we can get it out on the road again.
This summer, we're slated to do a rebuild of the power steering system and the power steering box, install a new set of Cobra le Mans valve covers (enroute from ClubPro as I write this ... thanks Ron ...), install a new emergency brake cable to replace the one that broke at the end of last summer, replace the turn signal switch and its wiring, re-calibrate the fuel sender to read correctly on the gauge, re-calibrate the tach (which is reading at 50% of true RPM), and finish up the detailing of the trunk area.
Then maybe we can get back to the 65 Fastback project .....!


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
Good Saturday morning reading!

Bring it on down to Bellevue Wa July 18 for the Saturday MCA award show at Roundup! I hope to have all 8 '68 Specials from last year, plus my '68, plus some more! The fun People's Choice show is on Sunday, however.

Northern Pony

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
Great story, and very nice car. Regarding a last ride for ashes; I keep telling people that when my wife sells my car, my ashes will be in the ash tray, so don't vacuume me out. Prior to going down to see Amy, you should un-hitch that pony, get on the ferry and come out to Calgary on June 27th for our Presidential S&S. I can guarantee a minimum of 3 GT/CS cars, and hopefully 5-6.
We have planned a great venue on grass, last year having 153 cars in attendance.
Limelyt is organizing this event, so what else can I say " it will be great". You can look at our site at www.abmustang.com
GT/CS S Code

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Hmmm ...

OK, we'll check the calendar and give that some serious thought for this summer. The show is one day before Laurie's Birthday too, so we might be able to turn it into a "Birthday trip" ...