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Search results

  1. nfrntau

    1968 GT/CS registry window sticker

    2 GTCS for me please
  2. nfrntau

    1968 GT/CS registry window sticker

    hi Y'all I don't pop in often but did today. Very nice project!! OK, I am being VERY picky but I would tone down the brightness on the rear view mirror and add an outline of the HCS decal on the scoop stripe. I would like to order some also when finalized.
  3. nfrntau

    For Sale Bills Car Parts

    Here you go
  4. nfrntau

    For Sale Bills Car Parts

    Hey y'all Haven't been around for quite some time. I've just moved and the real estate just doesn't allow me to store all my car parts that came off my GT/CS. I'm looking to sell a bunch of items. All of it is original and unmolested and needs to be refreshed before using. I'm giving y'all first...
  5. nfrntau

    1968 White hood stripes?

    I like my stripes a lot. I get a lot of compliments regarding same. Depends on what extent you want stripes. It took me a long time to decide yes or no and I'm glad I went with yes. Good luck in your choice.
  6. nfrntau

    . Happy Birthday nfrntau

    Thanks Y'all I don't feel a day over 60 Problem is I'm only 53 lol
  7. nfrntau

    1968 Tail Light Panel Screw Question

    The screws on my panel are the same as the screw on the right hand side of the photo mike posted. Also the same as the screws stangfan posted (without the overspray :) ) I don't have a photo of the originals but I included a photo of the car after I took the panel off. I'm very certain they...
  8. nfrntau

    . Word of Encouragment

    +1 .....
  9. nfrntau

    Sorry I asked? Are you kidding? That's great stuff, you do great work. If I ever need...

    Sorry I asked? Are you kidding? That's great stuff, you do great work. If I ever need something really nice made I know where to look. I also know that my seat brackets are no issue at all for you. :) Thanks Bill My cars kind of benched. I have a new son born Nov 20.
  10. nfrntau

    1968 Neil's Birthday!...

    Happy Birthday Neil
  11. nfrntau

    1968 New Matchbox model!

    I found a couple at Toys-R-Us
  12. nfrntau

    1968 New Matchbox model!

    I was positive this is where the rolled at 10mph post was going.
  13. nfrntau

    ADMIN Any interest in a smart phone app to view the forums?

    Yep, that would be handy. ... pun intended :)
  14. nfrntau

    . Happy Birthday nfrntau

    Thanks Y'all Was up in Alaska fishing. Won the pool for the biggest Halibut and the pool for the biggest Salmon on my birthday. Doesn't get much better than that. 33.1 lb King 145 lb Halibut 13.1 lb Ling a half dozen Coho and that doesn't include the bunch that jumped off the hook at the boat.
  15. nfrntau


    It really sucks when you have to leave your car alone and go on vacation Could life get any worse? Hope you have a great time.
  16. nfrntau

    1968 Removing Marchal lenses from sheet metal?

    It will come off but you need to be VERY careful. I used a razor blade, a thin blade putty knife and a small screwdriver. If you have the slightest little chip in the lens it can crack. I used the putty when I put mine back together, no leaks. Use a very thin small rope of it and it will...
  17. nfrntau

    1968 License plate Frames

    I can feel our resident copywright police getting itchy from here. Those plates are pretty cool, unfortunately here in Texas we're supposed to have front and back plates.
  18. nfrntau

    . Tips, Tricks, and Words of Wisdom

    Those would have been my bejeezes! Fortunately the radiator support was there and took the brunt of things. :)
  19. nfrntau

    . Might come in handy INFO form Europe

    Cookie - Bisquet A beer - A pint