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Search results

  1. nfrntau

    1968 Ok, time for new tires, what style... vote here

    Tire height and width not withstanding, I cast my vote for either black wall (my personal preferrence) or raised white letter. I don't like the white wall on a white car.
  2. nfrntau

    1968 Side Scoops

    Done good. Make it a note to point the witness lines out to your body and paint guy. If he doesn't know the're supposed to be there they could go bye bye.
  3. nfrntau

    1968 Side Scoops

    Neil, The Shelby scoops have smooth edges at the leading edge of the scoop opening and the GT/CS scoops have a witness line. The Shelbys are functional and the GT/CS are not. I cannot comment on the shape because I have never held them side by side. I believe the witness line is visible if...
  4. nfrntau

    . Shaker Hood

    This motor was in a 1970 Mustang fastback. I didn't speak to the owner so I'm not sure which motor it is. I mostly was amused that someone would go to the trouble of altering the aircleaner in that manner just to have a shacker scoop look up top. Due to the expertise of the members of this...
  5. nfrntau

    . Shaker Hood

    I went to a car show today just to browse and came across this air cleaner assembly. I've never seen one like this, anyone know what year did they make these?
  6. nfrntau

    . a matter of conscience

    I have always wondered about folks who post "that's it I'm leaving this site". Does anyone really care? If I disappeared someone eventually may wonder, what ever happened to Bill, he hasn't posted in a long time. I just don't get the grandstanding thing. Maybe I just don't think highly...
  7. nfrntau

    1968 classic car insurance

    I'm onboard with Hagerty also. I don't know about Farmers but USAA, who insures my daily driver (modern) cars will only insure for liability, No collision. Theft would be at blue book value which is far less than my insured "agreed" value with Hagerty. Does Farmers offer the same coverage as...
  8. nfrntau

    . Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup

    We're a week out. Have we decided to meet somewhere? How many of the Denver area GT/CS - HCS guys are planning on attending?
  9. nfrntau

    Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup

    Were a week and a half out. Have we decided to meet somewhere? How many of the Denver area GT/CS - HCS guys are planning on attending?
  10. nfrntau

    1968 After Market Steering Wheel Thoughts

    I do, The cruise control hooks right up to the blinker switch and the module is located in the engine compartment. It was an easy install with the new column. The column also has tilt which is a nice feature to put the steering wheel where it is comfortable. I would guess the steering column...
  11. nfrntau

    1968 After Market Steering Wheel Thoughts

    Rich, I have an Ididit column which I believe is very similar to the Flaming River. The Ididit uses the GM spline. My wheel is 13.5" outside diameter and very comfortable. Without power steering it would be a nightmare to park the car. This wheel is made by Tenzo and the model is turismo. I...
  12. nfrntau

    1968 1968 GT/CS Paul Newitt's book on E-bay

    I have not received mine yet either
  13. nfrntau

    1968 Hood bumpers: which are the right ones?

    I thought I'd add, just in case any new folks are reading in. There is no bumper installed at the trunk lid on the GT/CS. Only a small foam rectangle.
  14. nfrntau

    . 1967 Pebble Beige convertible on Ebay

    I just checked out this add. Nobody bid on the car. Does that mean it has some serious issues or did the seller pull it off before a bid was made. Seems odd to not have even one bid at 2K
  15. nfrntau

    Wanted Hood lock washers

    Since you are not worried about the finish of your hood give this a try. Use a thin metal putty knife. The type used for drywall work. Just tap it in slowly from a very small angle. That should break the paint/epoxy from between the hood/washer.
  16. nfrntau

    For Sale Red GT/CS in Massachusetts

    That was a very popular option
  17. nfrntau

    For Sale AutoTrader

    I think the busted California script adds a sense of originality to the car. Makes me wonder if the other side is busted too.
  18. nfrntau

    '68 Project

    "My tears will follow this car." That would be tears of joy. I know I would be happy to get that moved off my property.
  19. nfrntau

    1968 Are these tailight bezels correct for a GT/CS?

    They appear to be. You will have to remove the black paint from the rim but that is easy work. Fine steel wool and thinner will take it right off.