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For Sale 1968 - GT/CS Meadowlark Yellow S Code 390 Auto


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2002
SE WA state
By the discription of year car of your car, I would say 55k to 75k options like 4sp, gt, 8k tach ,dual exhaust, 9 inch, orginallity and over all condition make a huge difference. How well a car is restored makes a differencein value. Something like quarter panel or floor pans replacement vs original perfect panels make difference. Like in the afore mention case the script misalignment is probably a quarter panel replacement at least a repaint with orginal holes welded? which means it is not an original unrestored car. I don't think people here are picking on cars here, they are trying to inform potential buyers to make an inform decision. Ultimately a buyer pays whatever he wants too. Members should check out concoursmustang.com and check out how judges view and consider cars.. They don't believe in repo parts only nos unless nothing is available and then of course its a reduction. Of course if they can't tell the difference that's a good repo lol. Check out scottfullerreproductions.com to see what he charges for his conclude correct parts.
Thanks for that, my car may have reproduction front and rear valances, not sure. I know I replaced the front one.... I also put GT badges on the front fenders just because.... I also have a 67 air cleaner because I like the look of it better and had one here when I was putting the car back on the road. The original was gone anyway when I bought the car..... I also put a trac loc or posi in the 3.25 rear because I hate spinning just one rear tire! I didn't find a correct distributor either so if anyone has one for "cheap" I might go for it. I have a 67 GT390 Holley carb also if someone needs it.
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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2003
Car is now for sale on eBay in Georgia.
