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2007 GT/CS Mustang


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
Another request to the 07 group--- While I've seen all the colors on dealer lots--taking a detailed look for more then a few seconds at a time becomes impossible with the buzz of irritating salesman.........thus unable to really 'look' and study aka compare and contrast.

Anyone out there with a set of interior pics of the 2 interior color options and what exterior color they have...


If you still want to see this just check my pictures out


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
Well here is the after picture, I got them on as well as the engine intake cover

OK I got the stripes on the scope now, not great picture but just had to pass along.Don't worry about the water in front of the car, but had her in the country and you know those darn bug, had to wash them off as soon as I got home. By the way saw my first Stang I ever had the last two days, hoping she gets the 05 I had and I get this one back, I will also pass a pic of it too. plain, but if I get it back watch OUT.


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