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2008 California Special Member Get Together


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2003
Sorry folks............you've missed the best part of the country ......New England ! Yes New Hampshire is the state and has plenty of beaches, fresh water lakes for trout fishing and water sports and the infamous White Mountains. For all those "city slickers" there is Boston which is an hour drive.

Will we see you then? Hey what about driving to Newport, RI and take in a polo match.....that would blow away all those Brits and uppity upper crusters.



Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Hello!!!!! Maybe I'm stepping on some toes here but we drive CALIFORNIA Specials- it couldn't be anywhere but here!!Yosemite? Big Sur? Monterey? SF? The list is endless!!


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
[quote author=sam link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=15#msg12056 date=1119920474]
Sorry folks............you've missed the best part of the country ......New England ! Yes New Hampshire is the state and has plenty of beaches, fresh water lakes for trout fishing and water sports and the infamous White Mountains. For all those "city slickers" there is Boston which is an hour drive.

Will we see you then? Hey what about driving to Newport, RI and take in a polo match.....that would blow away all those Brits and uppity upper crusters.


I'm good with New Hampshire, got friends in the area, I'm a die hard Red Sox fan, nothing but a good time I'm sure.



Well-known member
Nov 22, 2004
Martinsville, IN
[quote author=hookedtrout link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=15#msg12072 date=1119936791]
[quote author=sam link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=15#msg12056 date=1119920474]
I'm a die hard Red Sox fan, nothing but a good time I'm sure.


You bandwagon!! I suppose you're a San Antonio Spur fan now, too. ;D Cardinals 4ever!![/quote]


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
[quote author=meadowsdk28 link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=15#msg12079 date=1119965999]

You bandwagon!! I suppose you're a San Antonio Spur fan now, too. ;D Cardinals 4ever!![/quote]

No bandwagon for me, I've followed the Red Sox forever as I have some good friends from New Hampshire and they turned me on to the Red Sox, I'm a Redskin fan in Football (that can't be bandwagon) and have been since George Allen switched from the L.A. Rams to the Skins, as far as basketball goes those show boating whinny basket ball players can kiss my buttocks. I don't watch pro basketball it sucks in my opinion, comes across as all set up and staged and they only give their best if the coach is babying them if not they whine, look at Kobe, "I'm not playing if Shaq is here" whine ass, should have fired him. I love the NCAA tournament however and I was a starter on my local High School basketball team and we played in two state championship games as a Jr and Sr. Took second both times. :'(



Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
as far as basketball goes those show boating whinny basket ball players can kiss my buttocks. I don't watch pro basketball it sucks in my opinion, comes across as all set up and staged and they only give their best if the coach is babying them if not they whine, look at Kobe, "I'm not playing if Shaq is here" whine ass, should have fired him

Hey Hook: We're definitely "off topic" but I'm with you on this one. I gave up watching pro basketball a long time ago. Those players are way overpaid for what they do. For pete's sake, look at what cops and teachers get paid! And who want's to watch the 'dribble, dribble, dunk' routine over and over and over again. BORING! I have no time for it.
Besides, I'm restoring my GT/CS in my spare time!


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2004
Martinsville, IN
[quote author=hookedtrout link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=15#msg12091 date=1119986469]
[quote author=meadowsdk28 link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=15#msg12079 date=1119965999]


No bandwagon for me, I've followed the Red Sox forever as I have some good friends from New Hampshire and they turned me on to the Red Sox, I'm a Redskin fan in Football (that can't be bandwagon) and have been since George Allen switched from the L.A. Rams to the Skins, as far as basketball goes those show boating whinny basket ball players can kiss my buttocks. I don't watch pro basketball it sucks in my opinion, comes across as all set up and staged and they only give their best if the coach is babying them if not they whine, look at Kobe, "I'm not playing if Shaq is here" whine ass, should have fired him. I love the NCAA tournament however and I was a starter on my local High School basketball team and we played in two state championship games as a Jr and Sr. Took second both times. :'(


Ok we are going to get into trouble for not going TTT but...it scares me that we are thinking alike, hook. Even though you think I'm dity and all. Baseball- Cards, Football Broncos or Peyton Manning (not the whole team) and the NBA, who cares. The NCAA tourney is awesome. The kids are still playing for something meaningful.

Now, I figured if you played on the High School team they would go to state. Shoot, there's probably only two high schools in Idaho anyway, right?

Isn't it ironic that some hick from Indiana is making fun of some hick from Idaho? ;D

Hook, you have a great time on vacation. I'm on my way out the door to play golf.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas

Maybe you can rent one from Jason. ;D


I could start my own Hertz type rental place.

Joe Dirt California Special Rentals and Museum


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
[quote author=meadowsdk28 link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=15#msg12110 date=1120049270]Now, I figured if you played on the High School team they would go to state. Shoot, there's probably only two high schools in Idaho anyway, right?

Isn't it ironic that some hick from Indiana is making fun of some hick from Idaho? ;D

Hook, you have a great time on vacation. I'm on my way out the door to play golf.


Na there's 3 high schools in Idaho and we got a draw in the first round of the State Tournament. ;)

Vacation at Silver Creek was awesome, were back here at the house fishing the Henry's Fork every day and every night and sitting around the fire pit out back when the sun goes down.

Take care.



From what I'm reading, it looks like we'll need a companion RV with every GT/CS on the road (hmmm...like smokey and the bandit?), and make this a 6-week tour of every NBA and baseball stadium in the U.S. !?!?!???

Seriously, I think the thing to do is a tour of California, with the GT/CS and HCS cars, down the valley on 99, with a stop at a Knotts Ford show, then loop up 101 along the coast, stopping at club BBQs and collecting GT/CS cars along the entire way.

Then a daring group make the trek across Nevada (i.e. "Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World?) to Denver for a HCS get together?

We have time to work this out...and start saving for gas at $5.00 a gallon, too, by then.

Paul N.


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2004
Martinsville, IN
[quote author=PNewitt link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=15#msg12239 date=1120626581]
From what I'm reading, it looks like we'll need a companion RV with every GT/CS on the road (hmmm...like smokey and the bandit?), and make this a 6-week tour of every NBA and baseball stadium in the U.S. !?!?!???

Seriously, I think the thing to do is a tour of California, with the GT/CS and HCS cars, down the valley on 99, with a stop at a Knotts Ford show, then loop up 101 along the coast, stopping at club BBQs and collecting GT/CS cars along the entire way.

Then a daring group make the trek across Nevada (i.e. "Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World?) to Denver for a HCS get together?

We have time to work this out...and start saving for gas at $5.00 a gallon, too, by then.

Paul N.

I like it. I've actually been putting some thought into this (my work has been boring lately until school starts back up in the fall). East of the Mississippi folks could meet up in one central location i.e. Chattanooga, Charleston WV, Knoxville, Nashville where ever...then caravan to Denver or Colorado Springs at the new Rocky Mountain Speedway. Hell, Courtesy Ford in Denver, I don't care, whoever would accomodate us. We have some time as you've stated yet we really don't. It will be on us before you know it. All I know, it has stirred a vigor in me to shoot for something. It gives us all a time frame that even many project cars could be ready for. Heck, it's got me thinking about pricing T5's and 5.0's just to drop in for the trip.

If we want to do this, eastern folks should start thinking about a meeting place and let's start plans for a link up this time next year in that town. Same for 2007 with maybe a dry run cruise of some distance (200 or 300 miles) to some place neat just to exercise our convoy operations skills (god, the military will never leave my mindset).

You don't have to bring your car if it's not ready. I might show up in my KIA Sportage, I don't know. Just a chance for us to do a meet and greet and start preparation for the real deal in 2008. Besides, I'd like to meet you (Ya'll for the southern folks, You'se guys or you'se mugs for the New York, New Jersey and Northeastern bunch)and put faces to names.

I'll volunteer to start this ball rolling on the east side if you guys want me to and will give guidance and input.


Jan 17, 2005
i think since the gt/cs originated in cali the meet shoold be in cali. there are plenty of spots here we could meet.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
[quote author=junkgtcs link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=30#msg12336 date=1120884282]
i think since the gt/cs originated in cali the meet shoold be in cali. there are plenty of spots here we could meet.

I think we need to do a poll on where everyone is located that would be willing to travel and want to be a part and find a central location to make it as easy as possible for all involved. I think this needs to be at least 2 possibly 3 different get togethers, West and East or maybe even West, Central and Eastern U.S. This should be about getting together and making it as easy and simple as possible for everyone. I think we can admire cars and shoot the s#!* in any location as long as it isn't a hectic overcroweded mess. At least the first get together should be simple and about us not about history, or show off, and I don't think we should start of with a trek across the country either. Simple location, simple spend the weekend getting to know each other with a little cruise around what ever area we are at which is why I think the area should have some type of scenic but short little jaunt we can take for an afternoon. If we plan some big huge adventure in some far reaching area or include a 1000 mile trek you just cut out a big share of people from participating.

My 2 cents.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I agree with hook. If it takes 3 days to drive someplace, spend a day or two there, then 3 days to drive back we've used an entire week. I don't know how many of us (or our spouses) want to spend a week driving. An 8-10 hour trip (around 600 miles) might be a good radius.

I can't believe I agree with Hook. What's this world coming to!!! ;D


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2004
Martinsville, IN
[quote author=hookedtrout link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=30#msg12341 date=1120921683]
[quote author=junkgtcs link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=30#msg12336 date=1120884282]
i think since the gt/cs originated in cali the meet shoold be in cali. there are plenty of spots here we could meet.

I think we need to do a poll on where everyone is located that would be willing to travel and want to be a part and find a central location to make it as easy as possible for all involved. I think this needs to be at least 2 possibly 3 different get togethers, West and East or maybe even West, Central and Eastern U.S. This should be about getting together and making it as easy and simple as possible for everyone. I think we can admire cars and shoot the s#!* in any location as long as it isn't a hectic overcroweded mess. At least the first get together should be simple and about us not about history, or show off, and I don't think we should start of with a trek across the country either. Simple location, simple spend the weekend getting to know each other with a little cruise around what ever area we are at which is why I think the area should have some type of scenic but short little jaunt we can take for an afternoon. If we plan some big huge adventure in some far reaching area or include a 1000 mile trek you just cut out a big share of people from participating.

My 2 cents.


I agree. At least for the first year just a get together and yeah maybe 3 locations might be just about right. I do still like the idea of a single event link-up in 2008. We've got time to plan it, don't you guys think?


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Ever attend any shows in the Indy area. Maybe we could hookup sometime either there or in your local area. Your only about a 3 hour drive from were I'm located in Ohio. Our local Mustang Club (Mustang Club of Ohio) is having their all mustang show August 21st here in the Columbus area. Last year we had 2 GT/CS cars there. Would be kinda neat to have an HCS along with the GT/CS at the show. I always have mine there just for display purposes. We have a lot of folks who come from out of state for the show. If you'd be interested, we have a caravan of Mustangs going to Summit Racing in Talmadge Ohio August 13th. I've never been there so thought I'd go this year just for the tour of their complex.

Don ;)


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2002
Hayes, Virginia
I think we had discussed a few months ago about doing a reunion at the 2008 MCA Grand National. I am going to stick to that idea. Half the fun of getting together is introducing our cars again to the rest of the Mustang community. I unfortunately don' t have the vacation/time to do alot of travelling, but the Grand Nationals are always somewhat centrally located and would certainly offer much support for our effort. Just my two cents.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
[quote author=RacingFan link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=30#msg12365 date=1121093230]
I think we had discussed a few months ago about doing a reunion at the 2008 MCA Grand National. I am going to stick to that idea. Half the fun of getting together is introducing our cars again to the rest of the Mustang community. I unfortunately don' t have the vacation/time to do alot of travelling, but the Grand Nationals are always somewhat centrally located and would certainly offer much support for our effort. Just my two cents.

Still plan on attending the Grand National's in Sept up in Youngtown? We've got a caravan of stangs that will be going up together on Friday the 2nd.

Don 8)


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
By unscientifically drawing circles on a map of the United States it appears that the best cities for 3 separate gatherings would be somewhere near Knoxville, Wichita, and Salt Lake.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
I figure if I buy enough CS's to make the majority of owned CS's in Houston we would HAVE to have it here.
