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1968 50th come and gone.

Edward Bodoh

Well-known member
May 26, 2012
Suisun City
Thoughts from my trip to Vegas for 50th. First of all glad I met Bob Teets and company. Although I had only a brief conversation with him hope the drive back to Denver was a safe one. Nice cars Bob.

I searched as best as could the WHOLE parking lot and found only 2 68 GTCS cars. One in club I'm in and another gent from Napa. His red cs was fully loaded. Had a good conversation with another owner that didn't drive his car to 50th...neither did I.

As a whole MCA did something short of a horrible job giving the fact this was in the planning 3 years. Props to Ron Bramlett and all the volunteers who made it happen as well...good save! Went to the Friday night dinner at Shelby museum. 150 bucks for finger foods in my mind was EMBARRASING. Towards the end of their gala I was able to get signatures from Carrols oldest grand, Henry Ford 3rd and my fave Parnelli Jones.

On a good note 10 bucks got me and my 08 Gt 6 laps on the oval track...what a kick in the arce. Nothing like hitting 110 out of the turns. Met people from France, Austria, New Zealand, Germany, Belgium as well as all over US. That in my mind was the best...seeing and sharing stories with people from all over the world, who came together for one purpose....


Ivy gold Ed.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
I didn't go, and from the sounds of it, I didn't miss much. I have seen quite a few threads on different sites as well as here and they all seem to be filled with dissappointment. Sorry to hear this with all the time and effort put forth in the planning.


Well-known member
May 5, 2011
Chandler, AZ

I agree with pretty much everything that those that were on Las Vegas reported. Talking to folks from all over the world was definitely the highlight.

I am glad to hear you got on the track at the greatly reduced rate. I asked everyone I could find for 2 days about how/when we could get on the track and I came up empty. My 66GT had to make due with the trip up and back from Phoenix.

I also spoke to the GTCS owner from Napa. He drove it down. Great J code car. From the Marty report, it looked like it was a Ford District Sales Office order. Tons of options.

The Acapulco Blue C Code a few cars down was very nice as well.

I would have liked to see more vintage cars, but my friends and I had a great time driving up a couple of K Codes as well my car.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Were the majority cars post 1973, as they are in most Mustang shows?

Edward Bodoh

Well-known member
May 26, 2012
Suisun City
Yea I would say 50% were pre 73 cars if that?...way too many for me to look at all of cars. So I focused on cs and just ones that caught my eye.

Craig not that you would remember but my late model grabber orange gt was next to Bob Loyas acapulco blue cs. Same club. Someday my ivy gold will look like his...or something specials for that matter. Congrats on the recent news Mike.


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
The 50th birthday celebrations have come and gone but the 50th anniversary continues the rest of the year. We are hosting a MCA national show in Lincoln NE. August 8-10th. The 50th will be front and center there. If you are interested more information can be found at www.hoofbeatoflincoln.com There are two other MCA nationals one at Springfield IL. and another at Savannah Ga. So lets keep the party going!


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2010
Sydney, Australia
I went over from australia, loved the people and parked cars.

The organisation was very very poor. The volunteers knocked themselves out to try to make up for the lack of planning.


Well-known member
May 5, 2011
Chandler, AZ
Ed, I do remember your car. I took a picture of the blue car but could not load it on this thread for some reason (along with a photo of the red car from Napa). My photo was taken from behind your car so yours is not in it. Why were you guys parked over there? It was away from the other clubs...I didn't notice your cars until after leaving the track.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
I attended the Las Vegas event and had an enjoyable time meeting many Mustang enthusiasts from other countries. While everything may not have gone as smoothly as organizers or participants would have liked, I'm VERY thankful the 50th Birthday volunteers took the time to make the event as fun as possible.

One of the highlights for me was to drive seven "parade" laps on the open track in my 2007 Shelby GT. The parade laps got pretty "hot" and fast!! What FUN!! Another highlight was visiting Shelby American's new digs...the showroom was beautiful and the shop is outstanding.

During the Las Vegas event, I left my two GT/CS cars in Flagstaff in the Babbitt Ford showroom to celebrate the 50th, and they were quite a hit taking the dealership "back to 1968."

Thanks again for all who helped in Las Vegas.
Russ Furstnow