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. 68 Convertible question


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
I know there are distinct differences between a 6 cyl and 8 cyl coupe for 67-68 Mustangs. Apart from the engine, front springs and radiator, can anyone tell me what the differences between a 6 cyl and 8 cyl convertible for 67-68 Mustangs are?

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
the 68 Mustang got the right side torque box. Makes it a bit better platform for performance. I would assume the same holds true on the convertible line?

4 lug front and rear wheels. Very whimpy 7.5 spicer rear end. Small drum brakes all the way around. No shock tower reinforcment at all. Springs on both ends are lighter due to less weight. Tiny sway bar.

Neat thing about 6 cyclinder cars is they are normally very stock and have not been hot rodder or beaten the death. I built a 1964 Comet Caliente for my Nephew from a six pop car. Nice platform, not beat up at all. Mild 302 with a 4 speed and five lug conversion to include 9 inch rear end. Works great and the 9 inch is overkill with the good 8 inch stuff available today!!
