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Where on I80? I know a couple from Pennsylvania that has a Meadowlark yellow CTCS. There is a MCA grand national in Kansas City this weekend there will be a lot of Mustangs traveling there this week.
Yes, they were on the MCS Grand National in Kansas City. I spoke the couple and sent them also my other pictures by mail. Indeed a very nice couple!
There were more GT/CS (and HCS) cars on the great organised show, all very nice restored cars.
Yes, they were on the MCS Grand National in Kansas City. I spoke the couple and sent them also my other pictures by mail. Indeed a very nice couple!
There were more GT/CS (and HCS) cars on the great organised show, all very nice restored cars.
Indeed a shame Ruppstang we did not speak each other I liked both cars very much! The bleu one is a great restored car, the other one is a nice unrestored car! I took a lot of pictures from both cars, also from the GT/CSen which were outside on the show. It was a long time ago that I saw such nice restored cars on a show. We arrived on the wednesday and left on monday morning, so I had enough time to see all the cars.