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1968 Another fun parade


Well-known member
May 8, 2017
Saturday my wife and I entered our GT/CS in the local Deer Park Settlers Day parade. Deer Park is a small town (population 4000 or so) that is about six miles from our house and is what we call "home". The parade was about a mile in length ending at the local park where there was a non-judged car show. The parade was very well attended by both participants and spectators and the weather was perfect.

There were several classic muscle cars entered and our CS was awarded 2nd place in the Classic 1955+ category losing out only to a La France fire truck. Another tip of the cap to Neil (Franklinair) for a job well done on the restoration. We got lots of attention and shout outs while in the parade and many people who saw the car drive by came to the park and asked about it. I had a great time educating people on the California Special package and it received lots of compliments.


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