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1968 Aussie J code Project


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
Hi Guys,

had a moment there when i couldn't work out how to post... (i wasn't logged it! Ha!)

My car is not a CS but i am keen to get onto this forum as the J code is also a single year edition. And that beautiful year is 68! hope you guys don't mind...

My story...

I have a 68 j code Coupe project. its no GT or CS, just my first stang and i’m in Love with it. Its Wimbledon White with Parchment front bench interior. its got a long way to go. further than i was expecting.

my plans are to restore the car to original engine, and mechanical specs so i can experience the true feeling of driving a classic muscle car.

my biggest hurdle... i don’t have a matching numbers project to start with...

The other hurdle is... i’m based in Australia. so original parts have to come from the US.

i managed to track down a date correct engine, which was original bore, but needs a tidy up. paid too much for it, and got slammed with import and custom fees, so i am not well and truly invested in getting this engine true to my car. it was complete to carby, but is missing quite a few original parts. i just don’t know what they are!

there are a few differences between the engine i picked up and my car specs, so it will require a few additions.

can i start by asking a question...

the engine i got was never pulled down before, and had all original internal components. i was wondering why people were saying that my heads were not smog heads, when they were original... wasn't smog equipment standard in 68 in all 50 states? my engine is a early November build by the way.




Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
As far as I know smog heads were required only for manual transmission cars. Cars with automatics received normal heads.

1968 4V heads are fairly difficult to find, one reason being that the Shelby guys tend to snap them up for their GT 350s.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
Thanks! my car is an auto and so was the donor engine, so that explains it!

the guys here were saying if i want to get it correct it should have smog heads... i knew it wasn't true as they had never been off before. it had me wondering if the car was sold internationally and therefore may have been exempt from the smog system...

i'll post up my Marti and if you are interested, the marti of the car i got my engine from.

i got an elite report. thought my car may have been a little more original than it was when i got it...

other parts missing/swapped -

Diff - swapped to a 2.79 67 A code diff... or atleast housing with tag.

the C4 may have been replaced... not sure. haven't had a good look at it. where are the date codes on them?

for now, i have no money to do much, and are just keeping my eye out for the right parts to come along.

i'm focusing on parts that i am missing from under the hood. e.g. A/C, Smog, correct hinges, winscreen washer setup, engine mounts, fan spacer, pulleys setup for engine with AC and PS.

i want to avoid Drake parts, as i have already purchased stuff locally of this quality and was too embarressed to put it on my car...

i am also looking for NOS chrome, and anything shiny. at least i will know its top quality. there are so many crap parts out there, i want to make sure that it shines like factory! please feel free to point me to any good quality repop parts that are original quality. i'm sure there can't be too many of them.

i am also looking for the outer corral ornament, the large one, NOS without pitting. its the last piece i need for my grill. every piece i find is either over priced or over priced with pitting! actually i think they all have been pitted so far... its a non GT car.

need a gas cap too...

its a long list!

i will upload some pics when i work out how. anyone know if you can post pics here using my photobucket account, without having to upload pics all the time?

by the way, i am also a forum member at 2 aussie mustang sites. the owners club forum and mustang tech forum. you can find me on there too frequently!



once i have enough posts under my belt, i'll be able to post links to my albums...


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005


  • Transmission%20VIN.jpg
    176.5 KB · Views: 64


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
great pic! will check, i won't need a mirror... my car is stripped bare right now. needs a bit of body work also.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
sorry guys still haven't had a chance to get into the shed. too much work and play getting in the way.

this is my baby


this is the engine i have to work with


not too pretty on the outside


and one side the cylinders are rusted badly...


but i have been assured that only one cylinder will need a sleeve, the others should clean up at .020 over.

i have had to find all the good stuff for this car, the J code engine and the Bench seat, as both were removed. 69 high back seats were the bench replacement that i sold off to recoupe some of the shipping costs for the bench i got from SC, to CA then to Australia... Engine was in San Fran so was easily shipped, but the customs and quaranteen fees when it arrived was ridiculous as they consider rust as being dirty and had to clean the engine and reinspect... so on top of my purchase price, i paid 500 for shipping and 900 for customs! engine cost me around 2200 and need major work! so its going to get the royal treatment! those figures are in AU dollars, with is about 1:1 at the moment with the US.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
ok... my C4 has been replaced also with a 9k14**** version.

pretty much someone got a shell that was ok condition, and hooked up a drive train to it, then sold it.

thats what you get for a cheap project though i guess. so numbers matching is not going to happen, but i am going to attempt over the ownership of my car to get it date correct. i already have an engine, so its just a 3.00:1 diff to get the driveline "correct spec" then if i can find a 7L C4, i'll be happy.

does anyone know if the C4 changed at all over the years? is there a difference between a 68 and 69 for example? i would assume that all C4 auto's are pretty much the same throughout. but i have never actually heard if this is the true or not.

i can comfortably assume at this point that running the C4 i have will give the same results as the original transmission, and therefore not need replacing. it would just be a waste of money to swap the transmission out for the same transmission...


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Please verify this but I think the first year for stamping VINs on transmissions may have been 1968 so you may not find a transmission stamped with a 7L.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
The car is a '68, so even if made in '67 would have an "8"xxxxxx partial VIN.

Think "K" assembly was Kansas City; Comet Fairlane, Fairmont, and some others.... so not an original Mustang trans... but really the same item for the most part.

Drop me a line, I'm in Brisbane and have a minor stash of spare 68 parts (as I own 3!)...


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
thanks guys. i was going to look into the K as i hadn't seen a K before. thanks for the extra effort!

Mosesatm, i can verify dalorzo_f's statement. here is my engine part and date code;



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
My mistake, I thought you were looking for a transmission VIN that started with 7L, which you won't find.

Didn't realize you were looking for a 7L date code.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
Hey guys, has anyone seen any good original parchment steering wheels?

mine has seen much better days and has wide open cracks that will make it hard to get the underside ribbing correct...

if anyone knows of any good places for NOS gear or great original parts (web based) i am very interested. please post details here.

i have bought some things off allclassicmotors.com and they seem to have a heap of good stuff there. i want to find similar sites where i can compare prices and keep them honest.

also looking for a set of late 67 exhaust manifolds for a J code Auto (if that makes any difference).


