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Black Chassis Paint


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
I want to paint the underside of my '66 convertible. It is a nice show car, but not concourse. I just want it looking clean underneath. Problem is that I cant spray while on my back, and the overspray will get on other things in the garage (it is winter here). Eastwood has several versions of chassis paint (satin, gloss, etc), but they are all for spray. Does anyone know of a source for 'brush' paint? Maybe I should just get some satin black paint at Home Depot? Ideas? Thanks, Casey


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Casey, A chassis black I have used is Nason 422-05. (Made by DuPont) It comes in gallons and is made for spraying, but does not need to be thinned. It is straight from the can to the gun. I have used it for dipping parts as well, so brushing should be OK. Hope this helps. Mike