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Car Show disappointment


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Well, Yesterday I went to the Sacramento Autorama, Touted as one of the best and biggest indoor car shows in California. This is a show I have gone to since the early eighties. Last year I was a little disappointed with the lack of cars compared to years past. This year was worse. I normally don’t speak negatively toward anyone or anything, but I felt compelled to vent my frustration. Normally there is good advertisement of the show, Not one TV add, banners, etc. I had to go on line to see if it was still being held.

First, it was $18.00 for entry plus $10.00 parking. There seemed to be fewer cars than last year, and they seemed to be more focused on Lead Sleds and Low Riders. Although I enjoy individualism in making the car your own, there was one whole room filled with low riders from one car club, which had a wide variety of cars from the 40s to the 60s, they all took on a familiar look. They all seemed to have a nitrous system mounted in the trunk with chrome tank covers and chrome tubing, which although impressive, made all the cars look alike, a real bummer.

Lots of Dragsters, which made the floor rumble just looking at them in their dormant state of rest.

Not one GT/CS I could find. Two local Mustang Clubs were represented, again, No GT/CSs. I found that ODD!?!?!?!. LOL I introduced myself to one of the club members on hand, but only after waiting 10 minutes for him to finish his phone call. While talking to him, mid conversation, his attention diverted from me to a photographer. Now I know I can be a bit boring at times, but come on. I felt this was just RUDE. No one was present at the other Mustang car club.

I have a Model A Hot Rod and I am always looking for Ideas. Out of the dozen or so Model As present, 10 had Duece front ends. One Model A pick-up, although highly custom inside and out, complete with a deuce grille, was labeled as a 1932. Oh well, more power to them.

There was a really impressive Chrysler Imperial car club present with approximately a dozen pristine cars of various years. Another impressive club was a Mopar club, with a great variety of muscle cars, from the sixties, Fury’s, Darts, Challengers, Roadrunners, etc.

SoCal speed shop was present with an impressive display, but no other speed shops. I take that back, I did see a Tognotti’s (local speed shop) banner, but did not investigate. Lots of Hot Rod builders selling their services, and breaking their arms slapping themselves on the back. I stood back and observed (that is what I do) and found 75% of these guys very obnoxious and a real turn off.

Maquires was not even represented this year that I saw. Another bummer. One display that turned me off had HOOTERS GIRLS promoting their product, couldn’t even tell you what they were selling as I just walked away. Now I enjoy looking at classy gals, but these girls were more Trashy Gals, They looked more like WORKING girls if you get my drift.

There, It is off my chest. Sorry if I bored you folks, but I just had to say something. Not sure I will return next year.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
That's why I stopped going to the local "Auto, Boat, Speed" show several years ago. Pretty expensive for just walking around looking at the same stuff every year ( or what you could see on the dealer lot for free) and dealing with people that figured since they put up the big bucks to show their car, they were special. I'd rather be in the shop turning a wrench.



Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
That's why I stopped going to the local "Auto, Boat, Speed" show several years ago. Pretty expensive for just walking around looking at the same stuff every year ( or what you could see on the dealer lot for free) and dealing with people that figured since they put up the big bucks to show their car, they were special. I'd rather be in the shop turning a wrench.


Or in the car turning a corner! Thanks for the compliment on the photo web!

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Mike, don't feel bad. TJ went yesterday and said "Dad - don't bother..." We were going to go together today, but I elected to stay home & chop wood instead. We didn't put Renee's GT/CS in this year (as you know) and just as well...>


Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Calgary, Alberta CANADA
Wow that seems to be the cast everywhere. This weekend is the Calgary 46th annual world of Wheels. Same thing $13 to park, $18 to get in and is was 1/3 motorcycles and about 20 venders....even someone selling hand cream. There was around 100 cars, down from around 300 on other years. Club displays were also down from 13 to 4 this year. I give it one to two year and the show will go the way of the Dodo bird. To bad.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
So what do you think is creating such a downturn at car shows?


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
That's a good question and I'm not much of a car show guy so I sure don't have the answer but some possibilites;

Saturation, new cars, old cars, motorcycles...
Competition, the pursuit of perfection has elevated to the point of ridiculousness?
Comraderie, competition has forced the old time just get together and BS with your cars is now a fierce competition?
Price, cost too much to play?
Events vs Hanging out, the big events take so much prep it isn't worth it vs just going to the park and show and shine?

Anyone else have any to add?
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Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Cory & I are on the same page. Truly, the best car shows I ever attended were the ones here in our own backyards.

Big shows like Sac. Autorama have been great fun to walk through (especially with having Renee's "Stevenson" GT/CS there for two years). Personally speaking however, I have a sense of "been there done that" this year for the biggies in general.

Like Mike says, you can only look at so many hotrods, ratrods, lowriders & plated sleds before thinking them "common", so there may be a saturation cycle to go with the economic woes... Getting too costly to see more same, same... and I'm not a builder, so I don't have the enthusiasm.

Also, some car clubs that sponsor these events go through cycles of getting political and self-centered to the point of cycling up & down in personal enjoyment. That is; I feel more special having a "Special" on my own terms rather than group expectations. Don't get me wrong... I love being inspired, but I don't like being told what to do!

That's why it's more fun for me to just stay around "here" :)


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Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Well.... One display that turned me off had HOOTERS GIRLS promoting their product, couldn’t even tell you what they were selling as I just walked away. Now I enjoy looking at classy gals, but these girls were more Trashy Gals, They looked more like WORKING girls if you get my drift....

...By the way, Mike. We have those at the air races too. We call 'em "Flappers"...



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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
You know it isn't a good party unless the cops show up. Knowing that, Tim and gang seek out the cops to make it a great party. Just in case he can't find one, he has Califgirl join his squadron. LOL

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
So...is that you by the plane taking the pictures or is that you behind the lens of this photo.

...I'm behind the lens here, Cory. In fact - the only reason I noticed was after plowing into another photographer (trained on her) as I was walking up the ramp!

"Flappers" aint no big deal to me. Most gals who put everything into their "external" are of little substance otherwise.... The photo below is more to my liking ;-)


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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
You know it isn't a good party unless the cops show up. Knowing that, Tim and gang seek out the cops to make it a great party. Just in case he can't find one, he has Califgirl join his squadron. LOL

...Always best to include the cops rather'n have someone else invite 'em. Besides - they know WAY more 'bout how to have fun!

Ain't that the truth!

It is just too bad I live soo far away from the stomping grounds the two of you spin your tires in..