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Christmas Greetings To All


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2003
Very nice and thank you...........Best to you.

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Merry Christmas to all!

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas to all ....


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I would like to express my best wishes for Christmas to those out there that don't have much, lost their job, or are without family; or may have lost loved ones this time of the year. I know this first hand, since my mother's cancer has returned, although we're keeping a close eye on it.

Parts of the country are having near-Depression economic times and I think people reading this may either live there, or know friends or family who do.

I especially feel for those folks that have lost their home in a foreclosure, and/or their job. Many families, I'm sure are spending Christmas in a motel or a shelter.

I see the high-end product commercials on TV, and think of those who could never afford those things, while the media likes to ignore the reality of this situation.

We talk a lot about cars and stuff--which is great, but we all have "real" lives, and Christmas for people some of us, or people we know may not happen at all for any number of reasons.

I feel really sad for those who can't have the typical Christmas experience that we see too often on TV.

It's times like this that we appreciate Christmas's of the future, because to have little to nothing makes up value what we really do have later in life.

I believe the coldest time I was in my GT/CS was on a trip to Lake Tahoe in the dead of Winter, 1987. the lake looked forboding, and desolate. I have to honor Ford Engineering for how well they did this car, for all the times it got me home "in one piece".

We have a lot of problems in this country, and a lot of hope and determination at the same time. It might be a repeat of the mid-1930's, and this is a time when we could use the wisdom from our parents & grandparents that lived through those times.

There are many thoughts and feelings that will be felt this Christmas. If you are having a rough time this time of the year. my heart goes out to you....

The smallest of gifts do make a difference to someone who has nothing. Just a friendly nod to a stranger can make their whole day.

I am fortunate to have many of your friendships and support here, and I appreciate it very much. More than any gifts I could receive (well, 'cept for a Hickory Farms beef stick)....

Have a Merry Christmas!!

Paul N.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
I would like to express my best wishes for Christmas to those out there that don't have much, lost their job, or are without family; or may have lost loved ones this time of the year. I know this first hand, since my mother's cancer has returned, although we're keeping a close eye on it.

Parts of the country are having near-Depression economic times and I think people reading this may either live there, or know friends or family who do.

I especially feel for those folks that have lost their home in a foreclosure, and/or their job. Many families, I'm sure are spending Christmas in a motel or a shelter.

I see the high-end product commercials on TV, and think of those who could never afford those things, while the media likes to ignore the reality of this situation.

We talk a lot about cars and stuff--which is great, but we all have "real" lives, and Christmas for people some of us, or people we know may not happen at all for any number of reasons.

I feel really sad for those who can't have the typical Christmas experience that we see too often on TV.

It's times like this that we appreciate Christmas's of the future, because to have little to nothing makes up value what we really do have later in life.

I believe the coldest time I was in my GT/CS was on a trip to Lake Tahoe in the dead of Winter, 1987. the lake looked forboding, and desolate. I have to honor Ford Engineering for how well they did this car, for all the times it got me home "in one piece".

We have a lot of problems in this country, and a lot of hope and determination at the same time. It might be a repeat of the mid-1930's, and this is a time when we could use the wisdom from our parents & grandparents that lived through those times.

There are many thoughts and feelings that will be felt this Christmas. If you are having a rough time this time of the year. my heart goes out to you....

The smallest of gifts do make a difference to someone who has nothing. Just a friendly nod to a stranger can make their whole day.

I am fortunate to have many of your friendships and support here, and I appreciate it very much. More than any gifts I could receive (well, 'cept for a Hickory Farms beef stick)....

Have a Merry Christmas!!

Paul N.

We all need support from friends and family, and hope and faith ... especially when times are tough! We need to sometimes put aside our petty differences and realize that we're all human, and that we all do better when given a "hand-up" ... let's make an extra effort this year to help bring holiday cheer to all, and help one another whenever we can, and to remember the reason for the season (Linus got it right :wink:) ... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! :smile: ...


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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
I concer with you both Paul and Mustanger. This is my # 1 season of the year and you can find it at 204 Railroad Street.... Every year, when we recieve the news that our Granddaughter is still clear of Cancer and she did have stage4 as I found out this past year and some may know that stage 5 to be the worst. My heart gos out to you, Paul, and all the others have experianced this , or for any other life threating dasease. Everytime I come here it is like coming home again. Here's to next year,hope it wil be a great one. From Hotrodgrany


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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
Like to wish everyone merry Chirstmas from Wisconsin on Friday Dec 19th with 1 Foot OF SNOW


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I too would like to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS. It's a great time of the year, to remind us of kindness & goodwill to everyone.
Peggy & I will be driving to Alexandria, VA to spend the holiday with my younger daughter Laura & her family. Best wishes to all,



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
For me Christmas is a time to reflect and appreciate all that I have and one of the things that I appreciate the most is my GT/CS, HCS family. Almost every day I look forward to logging onto this website and checking on my family to see how they are doing. When my parents were alive it didn't matter where they lived and they moved around alot, but when I called or visited with them I knew that I was home. That's how I feel about this family. I love that I can go to Denver and know that I have family there. I can travel to Seattle and know that I have family there. I can even leave the country and go visit family in Canada or down under and see our family in Australia. We have something very special with this family and it's not just the cars. Merry Christmas to all of my family let's make the most of it no matter what our situation is.

Paul my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. I have been there and will be thinking positive thoughts for you both.




Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Merry Christmas to all and a prayer for everyone's good health.

We'll have a white Christmas here. 31" fell in a 24 hour period. The cars are all tucked away and undergoing winter maintenance.

Steve (Heading out to shovel the neighbors roof)


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
winter is here, in Iowa. we had 11 inches yesterday and talking of more.
#1 is my husband refuling his tractor to push more snow, #2 the Mustangs are garaged here for the winter and the rest SNOW, burrr.


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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Great pics Kathy, it`s alot the same here. It`s -8 below right now with -26 below windchill here in Minnesota. It was real cold earlier when we had 45 mile an hour northwest winds. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
It's a little late but I'll post it any way.
A Recovering American Soldier C/O Walter Reed Army Medical Ctr
6900 George Avenue. NW
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001
One can never thank them enough. It's to late for a Christmas card but what about a card in general.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
It;s a little late but I;ll post it any way
A Recovering Americsn Soldier
C/O Walter Reed Medical Ctr
6900 George Avenue. Nw
Washington, D.C. 20307-
It's to late for a Christmas card but what about a card in general. 5001