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1968 date codes for intake manifold


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2003
Redondo Beach, CA
what would be an acceptable date code for an intake manifold for a car produced on 3/20/1968. i found 1 with a early march date code but seems that would be a bit sporty to have made it onto my car.


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2003
Most are right at 30 days before car build date. So I would think a 8B20 would be what you would want or somewhat close to that date.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
30 days before is a good call for a C code 289-2V intake manifold. 30 days or more, for the other V-8 engine intakes.
To be sure, you would want to do a sampling of San Jose cars with the same engine code, and a similar build date.
J, X, S, and R code intakes were likely cast in batches, especially the FE engine intakes. I don't know about 6 cylinder intake manifolds.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2006
Also consider that your not comparing the date of casting of the intake or other parts that make up the engine to the car's build date but to the date the engine was assembled. Date is located on the drivers side projection at the forward edge of the head mounting surface. Car assembly plant will not make a difference and in turn increase the likely hood of finding appropriate comparison examples

Stamping = Year - month - day of month - initial of the assembler is the code/stamp breakdown

Don't have any C code examples (assembly date or block cast to intake casting) dates to offer.

Of other similar engines (J codes) only have engine block casting to compare and have some the same month, then more one month prior up to four months prior


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2003
Redondo Beach, CA
Also consider that your not comparing the date of casting of the intake or other parts that make up the engine to the car's build date but to the date the engine was assembled. Date is located on the drivers side projection at the forward edge of the head mounting surface. Car assembly plant will not make a difference and in turn increase the likely hood of finding appropriate comparison examples

Stamping = Year - month - day of month - initial of the assembler is the code/stamp breakdown

Don't have any C code examples (assembly date or block cast to intake casting) dates to offer.

Of other similar engines (J codes) only have engine block casting to compare and have some the same month, then more one month prior up to four months prior
thank you well i dont have the original engine but i was able to find a replacement that had a vin stamped on it within 100 of mine so im thinking it is as close as i will ever get. so I'm trying to get as close as i can. i want to get a good 2V manifold that is in the right range so it looks like anything approx 30 days prior to build complete date would be acceptable