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I moved fast on this one this time.....I caught your message as soon as you posted it. Since this looks like the same site that changed all the prices every other second the last time we did this, I went to it right away and ordered. It claims to have gotten and shipped my order. Will let you know. Casey
"when it sounds to good to be true, it usually is..."
I got the car today, but it was white, not blue. I called the company and they just said sorry, and it is now discontinued, so they cant send me another one. Their excuse is that they dont supply the pictures - Greenlight does - and that Greenlight is to blame since the model number matches up, but the picture supplied by Greenlight does not.
Thanks Arlie. I knew about those - but their still too expensive for me just to collect each color. I jumped on this opportunity because they were only $17. It's ok - I am passing along the extra white one to someone on the site.....Thanks! Casey