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1968 F70 14 replacement tires


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Looking for a replacement for the F70 14 Wide oval tires used on the GT cars. A 215 70 r 14 seems to fit the bill in size but has anyone found a tire with the thin whitewall that is closer to the outer diameter of the tire in that size? Want the driveability of a radial tire with the appearance of the old Wide Oval is that is possible. Any suggestions on how you solved this problem would be welcome!


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Looking for modern tires that are available through normal channels that resemble the originals. For instance the firestone FR 380 series is a whitewall tire of the correct size BUT the the whitewall is 3/4 inch wide and located "inside the bulge" of the tire where the original wide ovals had a more narrow whitewall and it was located on the outer side of the bulge in the tire. Not sure if Goodyear also furnished the F 70 tire for Mustangs in 68 since they had a "wider" whitewall. I would appreciate any guidance about the Goodyear tires being OEM. Had in mind something with a more narrow whitewall and that may be something that does not exist. This forum is one of the best places to tap into the resourcefulness of others who may have faced the same problem - and solved it! I am not crazy about the RWL tires since the car was originally equipped with the F70 Wide Oval whitewall tires, as was typical of that era. For certain I want a modern tire of radial design and had hope that somewhere there was a replacement that looked "kinda-sorta" like the original.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
Just as Steve said you should check with Coker tires they have the original looking side walls on a radial tire. You get the best of both worlds.




Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
Just as Steve said you should check with Coker tires they have the original looking side walls on a radial tire. You get the best of both worlds.


Right on with what Steve and Ron have stated. In addition to their comments, may I add that from whomever (Coker, Lucas, Universal, Wade) HAS what you decide to buy, you can order them thru DISCOUNT TIRE and save shipping. What I do or DID for my 2 big block HCS cars, was took my Hemmings Moter News to Discount and pointed to the last 3 pages of the above tire companys' ads and Discount ordered the tires that I wanted (from Coker) while I stood there. Granted, I had to pay sales tax on the ad price (Discount does not mark up the price either because as I was told that all the stores are Company-owned). So now if I have a tire problem, then DISCOUNT handles it ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and I won't get "lip service". AND my DISCOUNT store gives free mount and balance but I paid the warranty $8? per tire. ALSO, I bought 4 new trailer tires last spring for my car trailer and blew a sidewall out just entering Park City, Utah early this past fall, Discount Tire store 20 miles from there, no sweat, no hassles, pulled up my name, new tire mounted and down the road I drove. JUST MY EXPERIENCES WITH DISCOUNT. BOB HERE!