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1968 Good news / Bad news from the 2011 Recognition Guide


Active member
Apr 11, 2004
Long Island, NY
I'm happy the VIN is in there. I did send a Marti and other info but I guess it either didn't make it to him or just got lost in the sauce. I think I read somewhere in here or that other site, that he may plan on releasing a supplement for the registry down the line. I'll try to get the info corrected. But yes, the data plate info looks like it is incorrect. The car is a 5U with a 4 spd.

For anyone who cares, I am the owner of 148539 and have been since 1996. The car is located in NY, one of a few on the east coast that I know of. If there is anyone else from the NY area that has one of these cars, PM me.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
But the VIN is the same. Isn't THAT what counts??


Yes and No.

Back in the day, prior to Kevin Marti securing the Ford Motor Co records (the records and data that helped him create Marti Reports), he (and probably others) were reproducing door data tags (and window stickers) as a service for those restoring their various Ford/Mercury/Lincoln cars.

All that was required was proof of ownership, with a document stating the VIN number.
Remember, Kevin was not yet privy to the records of colors, trim codes, transmission codes etc.
I have judged and inspected a couple of cars that have had new looking door data plates/tags with bogus information that contradicts what is listed on the Marti Report. Most of these are hiding color changes, but could easily change a 3 speed car to a 4 speed car.
I know a guy that used to reproduce window stickers, he had a Daisy wheel printer to replicate the non-aligned text like the originals.
He said that it was the norm, for cars to have plenty of options listed. GT packages, tilts, disc brakes, fold downs, tachometers, speed control, delay wipers, etc.


Active member
Apr 11, 2004
Long Island, NY
I think it is important to have the registry as accurate as possible. The Marti reports, at this point, seem to be the end-all-be-all with regards to authentication. Typically though, people will default to a "registry" to validate and/or authenticate a car. At some point I would love to see the registry become the authoritative source for authenticity of our cars. I just don't think it is there yet. Paul has done us all a great service (no matter how people feel about it at this point). He deserves some downtime to enjoy the fruits of his labor. However, as time passes, I think the registry should continue on as a living document. Other cars have registries published every so often and I think the GT/CS should follow suit. If Paul has the stamina to continue updating and publishing the registry, I would look forward to that product. If he doesn't, perhaps he can pass the torch onto another enthusiast/historian to keep the history alive and accurate. No need to publish a complete book like this new one, just a simple registry with some owners pics would be great.

I would recommend he release a supplement every x years with updates and corrections along with current owner info as these cars move around. I would love to see someone track down all remaining GT/CS cars still alive and add them to the registry. I know that is a monumental and nearly impossible task, but it could be worthwhile to narrow down the number of survivors out there and help keep the clones from diluting the market.

Maybe a reverse search through Marti could identify the actual VINs and over time someone or some group of people could track down those not in the registry through DMV records? I'm certainly no expert on a process like that and maybe it is impossible but you never know.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...It just seems to me that printed registries in a one-time "book" form is not only difficult, but pretty obsolete given today's resources. I mean - look at all the print shops and film processors that went out of business with desktop technology!

How about this as an idea for those who want to be registered:

1) Post your own Marti report along with all pertinent data on your car using the "My Garage" feature of this site.

2) Ask Jon (or delegate someone) to start a "sticky" thread that lists only the VINs and door data with the name of current owner - in order... and in a way that can be edited and managed with insert-able "new" or corrected data. Folks can visit the individual Garages if they want to study or see photos beyond this data...

3) Simply encourage new owners you meet to participate to enhance knowledge, enthusiasm, conversation and growth using this contemporary registry. ...Offer friendly assistance for those not computer savvy....>

The benefit is we can manage it ourselves without the mass mailings, inquiries and delay. We can note changes at will ie; color, modifications, restoration progress, buy/sell, et-al... WE are responsible for the accuracy - not someone else. And - with time we can grow it to be a real "go to" place for anyone to find out anything about these unique Mustangs!

To me, this would highly compliment the new book and it's compiled history as well as pave the way for on-going research and revelation.....>

'Just a thought....
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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
...It just seems to me that printed registries in a one-time "book" form is not only difficult, but pretty obsolete given today's resources. I mean - look at all the print shops and film processors that went out of business with desktop technology!

How about this as an idea for those who want to be registered:

1) Post your own Marti report along with all pertinent data on your car using the "My Garage" feature of this site.

2) Ask Jon (or delegate someone) to start a "sticky" thread that lists only the VINs and door data with the name of current owner - in order... and in a way that can be edited and managed with insert-able "new" or corrected data. Folks can visit the individual Garages if they want to study or see photos beyond this data...

3) Simply encourage new owners you meet to participate to enhance knowledge, enthusiasm, conversation and growth using this contemporary registry. ...Offer friendly assistance for those not computer savvy....>

The benefit is we can manage it ourselves without the mass mailings, inquiries and delay. We can note changes at will ie; color, modifications, restoration progress, buy/sell, et-al... WE are responsible for the accuracy - not someone else. And - with time we can grow it to be a real "go to" place for anyone to find out anything about these unique Mustangs!

To me, this would highly compliment the new book and it's compiled history as well as pave the way for on-going research and revelation.....>

'Just a thought....

Ditto, ditto, ditto...is that redundant. Well said Tim.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
It makes good sense to keep things current. For instance: my Meadowlark Yellow CS is NOW owned by Blaine in Canada, but the latest book lists me as the owner. The CS that I just purchased is not listed in ANY registry, although I do have a Marti report for it. Times change and so does car ownership.
I think Tim has a good idea.



Well-known member
Jan 15, 2006
With todays technology, the registry information should be sitting in a database. This would allow easy updates, public or private access to up to date information and the ability to query the information in many different and useful ways (number of red cars, deluxe interior, dso by s/n, etc).


Active member
Apr 11, 2004
Long Island, NY
I think these are good ideas. We need a combined approach though. The 1996 & 2011 books are a great starting point. Electronic records are the way of the future. I still believe that Paul's approach has it right....people will always want a hardcopy book to reference. I just think any further attempts to combine a historical book with a registry is going to be counterproductive. I have yet to see the new book for myself but all indications are that it is an amazing compilation of information. I say this book should be the "starting point" for any future registries. Why reinvent the wheel, just improve it.

Maybe a web based database, controlled and validated by someone, which can be published as a reference book every......i don't know......3-5 years. This way we can keep the registry current and correct and still have a hard copy version that can be cataloged in a library or something like that.

The downside to being constantly updated online is that you lose some history. I for one would like to look back at older registries and be able to track cars as the move from owner to owner. So Electronic database, certified and published as a "book" every few years would get my vote.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Well, I'm not suggesting we replace or duplicate any of the author's efforts. In fact - I wouldn't even think about copying anything from his book! But you said you wanted a correct & current registry. To have it both ways (new and old) would only complicate things all over again.

We could begin a correct registry here and leave the history to him. Nothing expansive would happen overnight, but as a pleasurable journey - it would eventually get big and become the "current" record intended.

Imagine a few of our researchers here plowing through Garages & finding Marti's already posted and plotting the data with owners as described (on a separate "registry-only" thread). Their "member" names can even be posted, so people can visit their garage for photos & more facts. Other researchers can peruse Ebay, Craigslist and other classifieds to get more Martied VINs and listing them as "Sale reported" w/ the current date instead of the owner's name. Should the new owner choose - he or she can update their own classification upon registering here...

Many easy possibilities, but keep it simple and focused. Above all, give it time and have fun with it! Think of the "Garage" and gallery traffic people would get here.... Like building a new transcontinental railroad with a more direct route :)

Once Again - Not looking to replace the book, but augment it........>


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2005
Moore, OK
Cannetny-A way to keep the history behind each vehicle would be to place the old info into an archived location. That is if this idea takes off, and that the previous owners would be willing to leave their names in the registry. I would be interesting to see how many cars would actually show up this way, since not everyone knows about the website.


Active member
Apr 11, 2004
Long Island, NY
I have to agree that taking anything from the current book is probably not the best idea. I'm sure it is somehow copyrighted. How many current members are on this site? Do we have contact with people that are not currently members? I think it is worth a shot, and if we are starting from scratch....it will be a long time before we could even publish any sort of official record anyway. I say, lets start a registry thread or modify the garage feature to suit our needs and see what happens. The garage feature already has the database functionality built in.

Would it be possible to add a registry link and cross-reference the appropriate "garage" data. And we already have quite a few Marti reports in another thread. Seems like we have a decent amount of data to start. 1300+ cars in the book, could take a looong time to approach that number here, but could be fun getting it together. Maybe its time to "market" this site to bring people in, like posting on other mustang sites. I found this site randomly years ago while searching for info on my car. Other than that....I've never heard of it. Time to change that?

BTW, if we did get a decent collection together we could cross-reference the book and see if we can get a more accurate count of surviving cars. I know some of you stayed out of Paul's book intentionally maybe others by accident. Seems both sources could compliment each other, somehow.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Not sure if the Garage feature has the capability but here at work we have similar process in our product formulas and there is a section for history so anytime anything is modified the formula will represent the new changes however the history has every modification captured with the date etc as to when the change was made so you can look backward as to every change that has ever occurred.

Maybe there is a way to to do this as well. Instead of having personal garages each car needs a garage and the current owner would be listed then the history of who owned it previously would be in the history section.

Just thinking out loud!


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
I've been wanting to do an electronic version for a few years.

The thing we'd have to work out is the privacy factor.

We should be able to allow people to enter their information but keep it private if they wish. I would prefer that as opposed to those wishing to be private not being in the registry at all.
At least the VIN or other info but not owner info could be visible, etc.

I know it's the IT guy in my coming out probably but I think an electronic version would be great. When Jon had it on this site it was a great resource for me and I'm sure others.

Whether call it a "registry" or an owner database is another thing to determine.

Like someone said it won't happen overnight and would take some planning but I think the garage is a great starting point. Then people can control what info they want to share.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
I've been wanting to do an electronic version for a few years.

The thing we'd have to work out is the privacy factor.

We should be able to allow people to enter their information but keep it private if they wish. I would prefer that as opposed to those wishing to be private not being in the registry at all.
At least the VIN or other info but not owner info could be visible, etc.

I know it's the IT guy in my coming out probably but I think an electronic version would be great. When Jon had it on this site it was a great resource for me and I'm sure others.

Whether call it a "registry" or an owner database is another thing to determine.

Like someone said it won't happen overnight and would take some planning but I think the garage is a great starting point. Then people can control what info they want to share.

Agreed on the privacy issue and I think that it's a must as we may lose some potential information without the option of listing as "Private Owner".

I'm sure out there somewhere there is a system that does this very thing that we could benchmark so we aren't reinventing the wheel.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Agreed on the privacy issue and I think that it's a must as we may lose some potential information without the option of listing as "Private Owner".

I'm sure out there somewhere there is a system that does this very thing that we could benchmark so we aren't reinventing the wheel.

Agree on both points


Active member
Apr 11, 2004
Long Island, NY
Privacy could be as simple as a check box on the entry screen for "keep owner info private". Perhaps only the webmaster or site admin could have access to that data, or maybe even that person would be unable to view info. We could make it an "opt in" feature. Meaning that we have all known cars listed but without owner info until that owner steps forward and claims ownership along with any other info they want to share.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Well, we're never going to get all the GT/CSs. Period! The book didn't, we won't, nor will we get many of the ones that are in the book. I have talked to quite a few people over the years who really don't care about registries. Not to mention so much of the info being obsolete by the time it goes to print.

Rather, let's start off with a "member" registry of willing participants that is as current and complete as we are capable here (without being complicated). Use of Marti's, whatever other scanned documents you have and photos in your Garages can go far to verify your car in a way no limited edition "print" could ever do - correctly, up to date and with all of your known history (added by You in the garage). Add to that a separate section that lists only VINs and door data with a link to your garage.... Simple.

This is a way (for now) to further utilize this site as a central place to verify and get the latest & greatest on your GT/CS. Also an official place to send anyone who may doubt your car's authenticity. That's all I'm suggesting.

With time and a little wax, it can grow to become very popular and attractive "go-to" registry, so long as we lose the idea that it has to start that way...


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
...Well, we're never going to get all the GT/CSs. Period! The book didn't, we won't, nor will we get many of the ones that are in the book. I have talked to quite a few people over the years who really don't care about registries. Not to mention so much of the info being obsolete by the time it goes to print.

Rather, let's start off with a "member" registry of willing participants that is as current and complete as we are capable here (without being complicated). Use of Marti's, whatever other scanned documents you have and photos in your Garages can go far to verify your car in a way no limited edition "print" could ever do - correctly, up to date and with all of your known history (added by You in the garage). Add to that a separate section that lists only VINs and door data with a link to your garage.... Simple.

This is a way (for now) to further utilize this site as a central place to verify and get the latest & greatest on your GT/CS. Also an official place to send anyone who may doubt your car's authenticity. That's all I'm suggesting.

With time and a little wax, it can grow to become very popular and attractive "go-to" registry, so long as we lose the idea that it has to start that way...

Agreed! Marty

ari guy

Well-known member
Mar 31, 2011
I gave up on getting my gt/cs book from Paul Newitt, ordered one from Branda on Thursday and got it today!!!! Fantastic book, wonderful effort, what an honor for the namesake mustang. Still waiting for the book I ordered.......it will be good to have a spare. Ive got some quality chair time ahead of me with the new book. Doc