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1968 Got the HCS running again after a bit of carb trouble


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
My son and I have once again started working on my '68 HCS. We finished installing the rebuilt power brake booster from Booster Steve (formerly Booster Dewey?), which has been sitting in it's box now for 2 years. (see my earlier brake thread)

We got the new brass distribution block and all hardlines installed, then bled the brakes without drama. But then we had to get the engine running to take a test drive.

It's been sitting a while, so it took a bit to get the fuel primed and into the carb bowl. It took so much cranking that I was concerned the fuel line was blocked or the fuel pump diaphragm failed, but eventually fuel started filling the temp see-thru filter I added inline before the carb.

Once the fuel reached the carb, the engine fired right up. It idled OK, but as soon as I pressed the gas it would die. Sounds like a fuel problem. So I peered down the carb while pushing the throttle linkage and sure enough, gas was only getting to the passenger's side. I popped off the venturi assembly and sprayed the heck out of it with carb cleaner followed by compressed air.

Once cleared out, and reinstalled, the carb ran well, especially when warm. I'm still struggling with it idling properly at a cold start up. I probably need to play with the choke settings a bit.

Video of fuel stream before clearing out the nozzle.


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
My son and I have once again started working on my '68 HCS. We finished installing the rebuilt power brake booster from Booster Steve (formerly Booster Dewey?), which has been sitting in it's box now for 2 years. (see my earlier brake thread)

We got the new brass distribution block and all hardlines installed, then bled the brakes without drama. But then we had to get the engine running to take a test drive.

It's been sitting a while, so it took a bit to get the fuel primed and into the carb bowl. It took so much cranking that I was concerned the fuel line was blocked or the fuel pump diaphragm failed, but eventually fuel started filling the temp see-thru filter I added inline before the carb.

Once the fuel reached the carb, the engine fired right up. It idled OK, but as soon as I pressed the gas it would die. Sounds like a fuel problem. So I peered down the carb while pushing the throttle linkage and sure enough, gas was only getting to the passenger's side. I popped off the venturi assembly and sprayed the heck out of it with carb cleaner followed by compressed air.

Once cleared out, and reinstalled, the carb ran well, especially when warm. I'm still struggling with it idling properly at a cold start up. I probably need to play with the choke settings a bit.

Video of fuel stream before clearing out the nozzle.

View attachment 54770

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Call me at (360) 377-5164 and I will step you through the cols start stuff and the operating idle settings.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Booster Steve sold to Booster Mark.
The whole operation moved to Lynwood, Washington.
The name on the building now is:

Power Brake Exchange Inc / Brakes for Less
17820 Highway 99 unit C
Lynwood, Wa. 98037


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2003
Booster Steve sold to Booster Mark.
The whole operation moved to Lynwood, Washington.
The name on the building now is:

Power Brake Exchange Inc / Brakes for Less
17820 Highway 99 unit C
Lynwood, Wa. 98037
Scott is this still the go to place for WCC? Has the service level stayed the same? Also, when did this happen?