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. GT/CS book set for late September.


Apr 27, 2009
Millville, NJ (NJMP)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
IF he sells his car.

To offset this cost, I'm trying to sell my own 390-4-speed GT/CS (one of 111 made) for $22K. If a buyer I know isn't interested, I'll post it here in the classifieds. Selling my CS (I've owned since 1974), will be required to print the book (as ironic as it seems).


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Here is the full text.

"Thanks, Capt. Dave., for asking and for your support.

I'm trying to finish up the GT/CS Article for S-A today, but felt I should post something about the book's progress.

This book has been a really difficult project for me. I've done about seven books before this one, but this one takes the cake in difficulty. I tend to do things the hard way, and I've been working on a book that is VERY comprehensive, and detailed. I feel that the readers deserve such a book, although it's taken a great toll on my time and personal finances.

The book right now is like a meal on the stove that's about done. I've got to set the table, etc..to make it complete. I haven't posted much here for a while, because I'm working on the book....12 hr days, and weekends. It's exhaustive work, but I want this to be the best book out there, to be the final authorative word on the GT/CS; original and late model. I could have just transcribed from my 1989 and 1996 editions, and tossed in a few new photos (like some other Mustang coffee table books), but I felt that owners, enthusiasts and readers deserved more than that, especially since so much new information has come forward since 1996.

Admittedly, SAAC set the "quality bar" for me a long time ago, and I feel it's required of me to work at that higher level.

Two setbacks have affected the book. First of all, I left the message boards on califoniaspecial.com several weeks ago because of an ongoing rift with a small clique that felt it necessary to undermine me. 99% of the other members are great people, and I DO miss them. But three years of harassment really left me with no choice but to leave and I was invited here and I haven't looked back since. As well, it was difficult to keep up with the boards, questions and straighten out misconceptions, as well as PMs and email--all while trying to concentrate and write a book (that's not been a problem here, BTW). I posted 2600 posts there in four years to help people. I had listed the SAAC Forums URL at my referral thread, to find me and this new GT/CS area, but they quickly pulled it out.

The other setback was the loss of my mother. I had to take care of her since last December, and she died on Feb 26th. I took her ashes to Washington St. and had to take care of all her arrangements, etc...as anyone that has had to do that--knows--as well as the emotional effect from losing a close parent. My mom also kept track of the registry, and knew who-was-who, where they lived and what they owned ( I told her that doing that would keep her off the streets playing bingo!).

So--where am I now? The book is in it's final stages. I have all the page layouts done, and I'm finishing up the text, captions, etc. Three major chapters are being wrapped up right after I finish the the SAAC article: Late model GT/CS; Little Red, and the Green Hornet. Then, I cruise through the rest of the book. As some of you have read about the Little Red thread...I have discovered many new things about that car, and it's led to knowing more about the GT/CS and how Shelby built that car. But I've also aquired new blueprints, diagrams, and photos. There's a '68 Galpin newsletter devoted to the GT/CS; a complete Marti list of production numbers--sales by DSO, interior, colors, options, etc...never before revealed. Factory information, and a concours restoration section with diagrams of the underside of a San Jose Mustang, indicating specific colors, and where they go. ...And how the late model GT/CS became the Shelby GT.

Books take time, and it's taken longer than I figured. But I'm not sitting on my hands or misleading anyone. At my own expense, I've mailed notices to everyone who pre-ordered a book, and they are aware of the progress of the book. I've had to spend close to $10K for the Ford license, and $3K for liability insurance, and then there is the cost of printing.

To offset this cost, I'm trying to sell my own 390-4-speed GT/CS (one of 111 made) for $22K. If a buyer I know isn't interested, I'll post it here in the classifieds. Selling my CS (I've owned since 1974), will be required to print the book (as ironic as it seems).

I think it would be fair to commit to a late September release for the book. Ford needs to look it over, and I don't know how long that will take, or what they'll want changed or removed. But I'm moving forward as fast as possible in the best way I know how right now. I am giving this effort my 100%, and I DO appreciate all of your support, help advice and thoughtfulness.

Paul M. Newitt"


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Bay Area\ SoCal
Thanks for keeping us updated Capt Dave (and the diplomacy). Its been interesting year of sorts and we are definitely lookin forward to the book that everyone has been part of. Glad to hear it is tentatively set for September. Hopefully "Hooked Trout" will have us a book to satiate our needs.

So you ordered 2 huh? You know you can complete the package with a CS "S" Code little fixerupper available by ClubPro?? Im sure he will give you our Forum discount! :wink:


Apr 27, 2009
Millville, NJ (NJMP)
Thanks for keeping us updated Capt Dave (and the diplomacy). Its been interesting year of sorts and we are definitely lookin forward to the book that everyone has been part of. Glad to hear it is tentatively set for September. Hopefully "Hooked Trout" will have us a book to satiate our needs.

So you ordered 2 huh? You know you can complete the package with a CS "S" Code little fixerupper available by ClubPro?? Im sure he will give you our Forum discount! :wink:

This year just buying 2 books is a lot for me. We all do what we can. I have a friend in Maine who has had a GT/CS for over 25 years. I'm getting him a copy. He sent away for his Marti Report just in time to get in the book.



Mar 1, 2009
Covington, WA
Pre-ordering Paul's book

Capt Dave - Was following your thread to SAAC posts from Paul Newitt and found some explanation for why I had not recd any response from Paul posted here earlier this year when I joined the forum. I have been trying to get connected to Paul to pre-order a book. Any suggestions?


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Capt Dave - Was following your thread to SAAC posts from Paul Newitt and found some explanation for why I had not recd any response from Paul posted here earlier this year when I joined the forum. I have been trying to get connected to Paul to pre-order a book. Any suggestions?

You might want to hold off on that pre-order and just wait until it's printed.

Just my suggestion, up to you.



Apr 27, 2009
Millville, NJ (NJMP)
GT/CS Book at the SAAC-Forum

Capt Dave - Was following your thread to SAAC posts from Paul Newitt and found some explanation for why I had not recd any response from Paul posted here earlier this year when I joined the forum. I have been trying to get connected to Paul to pre-order a book. Any suggestions?

Try going over to the SAAC-Forum to get in touch with Paul. He responds very quickly. We have a new GT/CS section on the forum.



Bob G

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2008
Long Beach, CA
PMN GT/CS book:

Great news to hear from MR. GT/CS him self. I am glad he caught some head win. for a while I though we losted him. He went through an awful lot loosing the one person he could truly depend on and knew maybe more than him.

I was very, very sorry to hear about Mrs Newett. I am sure some were up there she is his guiding light. Well I certainly look forward to nights devote to reading this new book. I hope Ford doesn't dip their finger too much in the pie. I hope for PR purposes they are greatful for Paul's hard work.

I have the 1/18 scale models in black and red but not a real one . I am putting some money a side there is already a spot in the garage with a sign that says GT/CS parking only.

Bob Geco

Bob G

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2008
Long Beach, CA
I had it mad by thesame company that sells the parking sings to auto accessories distributors. I justtold them wha5t I wanted. It is the parking metal signs with white back ground and red lettering.
nothing really special.

Bob Geco


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
I am in constant contact with Paul, and he is working hard on the book. Keep up the faith.

There are many other cool things that intertwine the CS with Ford and Mustang that Paul is working on with Ford and others. Just like the late model GT/CS work he did with Ford that caused the late model GT/CS to be born - this kind out stuff makes our GT/CS (early and late model) more recoginizable to the public.

I know from what I have contributed to the book (financially and substance), and many others have contributed to the book - it is going to be an awesome resource and "tell the story" of the GT/CS from its conception to models today.

Thanks, Casey