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Wanted gt/cs console part


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
You might try American Mustang Parts, 11315 Folsom Blvd. Sacramento, Ca. 916-635-7271. They have a stash of original floor and roof consoles in their mezanine. They may have what you need. I would try them first. Another possible is A&M Mustang Parts. 913-922-8833. Good Luck. Mike


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
I just checked inventory, that padded piece is the same for 1968 standard Cougar with console. Nothing in really nice condition in any color.

We find that the main problem with these is shrinkage, warpage, and general separation from the metal backing plate.

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
A possible candidate?

Hi Bill,
I had a dig through my spare parts that are buried in my storage and I found this one, and it's even black to begin with. I think it's from a Cougar console, but that should be the same part as used on our Mustangs. Not in bad shape, but it has a couple of wrinkles in the pad, one in the lower right inside edge and a matching one just outside the lower right edge. (I think this was a salvaged pad from a wrecking yard and the wrinkles might have been caused by accident damage on that side?) I've never tried it, but has anyone tried to "iron" wrinkles like these out with a heat gun on a low heat setting? (Just a thought ...)
Anyway, have a look at the photos that I'll attach, and you can let me know if it's any better than what you have now ...


  • 68 black console pad 002.jpg
    68 black console pad 002.jpg
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    68 black console pad 003.jpg
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    68 black console pad 004.jpg
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    68 black console pad 005.jpg
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    68 black console pad 006.jpg
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    68 black console pad 007.jpg
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  • 68 black console pad 008.jpg
    68 black console pad 008.jpg
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68 special

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2004
Hey Bill, Just a thought , the Swap meet is here in Monroe the 15th and 16th. If you want I'll look around and see what I find.



Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007

Try allclassicmotors.com
They have a gazillion parts (new & used). They may be able to help.
