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Thanks guys, I pulled weeds and went to the grocery store, took a nap, bought a couple of DVD's. Oh, and for those that were wondering, I am 45, now, with 6 years experience. :grin:
Hey, where is the picture of Sheriff John and my birthday cake?? Is that Mustanger that does that? LOL
... and I'll throw in the lyrics for free :thumb: ...
From the TV Show "Sheriff John's Lunch Brigade"
"Sheriff" John Rovick - 1952
Put another candle on my birthday cake
We're gonna bake a birthday cake
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I'm another year old today
I'm gonna have a party with my birthday cake
Come on and take some birthday cake
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I'm another year old today
We'll have some pie and sandwiches
And chocolate ice cream too
We'll sing and play the day away
And one more thing I'm gonna do
I'll blow out the candles on my birthday cake
And when I do, a wish I'll make
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I'm another year old today
(Musical Interlude)
Put another candle on my birthday cake
We're gonna bake a birthday cake
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I'm another year old today
I'm gonna have a party with my birthday cake
Come on and take some birthday cake
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I'm another year old today
We'll have some pie and sandwiches
And chocolate ice cream, too
We'll sing and play the day away
And one more thing I'm gonna do
I'll blow out the candles on my birthday cake
And when I do, a wish I'll make
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I'm another year old today
(Happy birthday to you)
I'm another year old today.
Happy belated Birthday. Just got back home from Ohio and missed the Big day.
45?? You're still a kid!! (I passed that a quarter century+ ago)
Wishing you many, many more friend.