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Active member
Nov 2, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Iguess my thing has always been A nice clean look that isn't to busy just laid back cool. Like the shelby 10 spokes that mosesatm pointed out in the post just before yours or something like the classic cragars


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
My marti report just says my car came with "wheel covers" whatever that means. These are the wheels that were on it when I bought it. I love these. I would`nt mind having a set of Shelby 10 spokes someday though.


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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Welcome to the site Ron!!

Good Luck on your potential purchase.

Get the Marti!!! All it takes is a phone call and a credit card and they'll fax it to you. It's money well spent.

The price sounds great if everything checks out!


Active member
Nov 2, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
:icon_ecst Thanks Rich ,but as luck would have it, it doesn't look like I am going to buy the car I originally talked about. Seems their is more than one in Alabama. So I now have a second choice and it is going to be the second. The guy on the first one was really hard to deal with and, although, it was a numbers matching car, we kept finding things that led us to believe it had more problems than I wanted to deal with. Then out of nowhere comes the second car and it is a lot more what I was looking for in the first place. Go figure.



Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
Correct type for Deluxe Hubcaps?

gtcs1 said:
My car came originally with the Deluxe Hubcaps (Marti Report). When I purchased it this summer, it had the WireWheel hubcaps on, and I believe they've been on for most of its life.

In trying to find the correct type of 68 Deluxe hubcap, I found these 2, which is the correct type for the 68?





Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
According to my Master Parts Catalog, the first one is ONE of the correct covers for a '68. There are other styles that are correct as well. The second one is for a '67. Hope this helps.



Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
rvrtrash said:
According to my Master Parts Catalog, the first one is ONE of the correct covers for a '68. There are other styles that are correct as well. The second one is for a '67. Hope this helps.


Thanks Steve,

Is the first one the only one that is the correct Deluxe Hubcaps for 68 or are there others that fall into that category? If there is, do you have a scan of that page in your Master Parts Catalog.

What is that book you refer too, and where can you get it. Which years does it cover? Is it a big book or is it on CD?



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
The book is actually 2 big books that cover all the parts for all Ford cars from 1965-72. There are different versions (mine is the final issue from May of '75) and they were provided to Ford dealers for use in their parts departments-the same as the micro-fische (sp?) they use now. I've never seen it on CD, only the used books that show up from time to time. It shows about 6 different caps that could've been used on the Mustang, not including the GT and Shelby caps but doesn't really say which would be the "deluxe", only a part number, picture and the application. I have seen books that hub cap vendors have at swap meets that has the same info in it. If you have a vendor in your area, you might be able to look through it. I'm sorry but I don't have a scan of the pages (2) because I've never got around to buying a scanner, but I'll see if I can track one down for you.



Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
rvrtrash said:
The book is actually 2 big books that cover all the parts for all Ford cars from 1965-72. There are different versions (mine is the final issue from May of '75) and they were provided to Ford dealers for use in their parts departments-the same as the micro-fische (sp?) they use now. I've never seen it on CD, only the used books that show up from time to time. It shows about 6 different caps that could've been used on the Mustang, not including the GT and Shelby caps but doesn't really say which would be the "deluxe", only a part number, picture and the application. I have seen books that hub cap vendors have at swap meets that has the same info in it. If you have a vendor in your area, you might be able to look through it. I'm sorry but I don't have a scan of the pages (2) because I've never got around to buying a scanner, but I'll see if I can track one down for you.


I found this on Ebay. Dores it look the same as your catalog? What do you think of that? $25 isn't that bad if it's complete.


The pictures they show of catalog pages have some part number. But where in the book do you find the full part number of a given part, since what's on the illustrated view bears only few digits/letters. I thought it would show a complete number like C8ZZ-12345-A



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Well I guess they do have it on CD! I'd go with the better res. version myself. As for the part numbers, Ford uses a 3 part numbering system. The first part is 4 characters that denotes the year and model the part was designed for, i.e. C8ZZ for '68 Mustang. The second part is 4-6 character long and denotes the part type, i.e. 6049 for a cylinder head or 6A664 for a rocker arm cover. The third part is one or two letters that denotes the engineering revision, or other specific data. The diagrams only show the second part of the numbering system and then you go to a different part of the book (that's in numerical order) to find your specific application, i.e. the entire number. Keep in mind that the part number shown is a stocking part number and may/probably will differ from the number stamped on the part. Sometimes the book will show the number stamped on the part also but most of the time it doesn't. Hope I didn't waste your time if you already knew most or all of this but thought I'd hit everything to cover the bases just in case.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
rvrtrash said:
Well I guess they do have it on CD! I'd go with the better res. version myself. As for the part numbers, Ford uses a 3 part numbering system. The first part is 4 characters that denotes the year and model the part was designed for, i.e. C8ZZ for '68 Mustang. The second part is 4-6 character long and denotes the part type, i.e. 6049 for a cylinder head or 6A664 for a rocker arm cover. The third part is one or two letters that denotes the engineering revision, or other specific data. The diagrams only show the second part of the numbering system and then you go to a different part of the book (that's in numerical order) to find your specific application, i.e. the entire number. Keep in mind that the part number shown is a stocking part number and may/probably will differ from the number stamped on the part. Sometimes the book will show the number stamped on the part also but most of the time it doesn't. Hope I didn't waste your time if you already knew most or all of this but thought I'd hit everything to cover the bases just in case.

Hi Steve,

No wasting of my time there, for sure. That's exactly the questions I had. You clarified it greatly for me. So I'll pick up one of these on CD (the high resol).

Thank you very much


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
You're welcome. I might as well clarify the "other data" of the third part of the numbering system in case anyone reading wants to know. If the part is a piece of trim, seat track, etc. the last letters will denote left and right. "A" might be the left side and "B" might be the right. If the part is an intake, head, etc. the last letters will denote the engine size, HP application, something like that. "A" might be an intake for a 289, "B" might be one for a 390, etc., etc.
